Hi there! Well, I'm new here and new to the journey of WLS.
I have my first appointment on April 21st with Dr. Ryder in Racine. I have done some research and intend on gaining more information before and after my appointment. After talking briefly with Dr. Ryder's nurse it sounds as if I will qualify however, we all know who has the last say in qualification, insurance. I haven't made the final decision as to whether I will make the decision to have WLS yet as I don't feel as if I have been fully informed. I think it's safe to say that I haven't decided to have the surgery and I haven't decided NOT to have the surgery. I'm here just makin' the plans and the results will just fall into place. I enjoy my surfin' on this site and look forward to doing it in the future. Thanks to all of you for your honest and uplifting posts...wish me luck, better yet-say a prayer for me! BBFN-Bye Bye for now! Shawna