Update on my progress
It's been a while since I last posted, for this I apologize. I guess surgery isn't as easy as I thought it would be. Although many of you have experienced the same type of surgery that I have, I'm convinced that recovery, food tolerance, and weight loss is different for each of us.
The last couple of weeks have been a major adjustment for me. I met with the dietician on March 15, 2004 to graduate to the next stage of eating - soft food. I was informed that I was not following instructions and this has resulted in only a 2-lb. weight-loss since my prior weigh-in with the doctor 2 weeks earlier. Consequently, she wants me to come back in to meet with her in 1 month. She wants me to eat 3 well-balanced meals a day. This is very difficult to do; usually I can eat maybe 2 well-balanced meals. At the time that she and I met, I was only eating 1 meal a day plus 16 ounces of protein drink along with lots of water.
I'm still struggling with having enough energy to get through the day. I've begun to exercise from time to time. I usually try to walk for 30 minutes for perhaps 3 days a week. I find myself depressed and highly disappointed, because I have not seen much of a weight loss. The only reason my expectations are so high is because when I joined Weigh****chers prior to the surgery, I lost close to 30 lbs. in 1 month and in 5 months, I lost a total of 79.2 lbs. The kicker is this, I was able to eat more and eat the things that I enjoyed eating. With this surgery, I'm not able to hold much, nor am I able to eat the things that I enjoy. The sad part is that eating less doesn't mean that you lose weight. In fact, my body just holds on to it.
I'm still wearing my fat clothes and hoping to see a dramatic change soon. I tell myself that it is probably healthier to loose only 1 lb. to 2 lbs. a week, than to see a tremendous weight loss in a short period of time. This way my skin has time to adjust to my new weight. It appears that I have lost a lot in inches, at least that is what my husband tells me. I have this terrible habit of comparing myself to others in as far as determining my success. I have read posting and talked to individuals who have lost like 30 lbs. to 40 lbs. in the first month. Why isn't this happening for me?
I'm afraid that if I listened to the dietician and force myself to eat when I am not hungry, I will convert back to my old eating habits of overeating. I don't want this to happen, but by the same token, if I don't adhere to her advice, I may jeopardize my success for loosing the weight. I only have an 18-month window in which I must take advantage of and loose as much as possible.
So there, you have it. I now weigh 299 lbs. a difference of 20 lbs. since the surgery. I will post again after Friday, April 2, 2004 when I meet with the doctor. Until next time...

Awwww Latina...you are going to do fine. Your body maybe holding onto the weight...but I predict that you'll soon show a nice weightloss. Remember this is a tool and that weight lost with this tool is weight that is gone forever. You shouldn't gain this back like in other weightloss attempts. I've heard that when you lose a pound or two per week...you are learning new eating habits that will stick with you. If you have hugh losses you don't learn anything and can gain it back easily. Now this was the jest of the conversation that I had with my dietician...not her EXACT words...don't give up....before long...you'll have to go shopping to get more clothes because your fat clothes will be tooooooo baggy.
Love ya girl,

Hi La Tina, I too am stuguling . I have only lost 16 lbs in one month. But at least it will stay off and never come back. They say if you have a bigger amount to lose, then you lose alot. It will come off of you in no time. I went on solf food a week early, that is y I think that it is comming off me slower. I go see the dietician on thus.. Good Luck with the weight loss, I will be thinking of you. Rosie
Thanks for your update and congratulations on your weight loss thus far! I know it can be kind of frustrating in the beginning, but I do recommend that you really try to follow your surgeon's offices advice. I just know you will start to pick up and lose more quickly! Sometimes the more you eat (esp. protein foods!!) can really help you lose weight, along with increasing your fluids to at least 80 oz per day and getting in at least 1 hour of exercise per day when you can tolerate that. Believe in yourself, for you journey has really only begun! God bless,