2 Weeks out - Update
Hello, I realize that some time has past since my last post. I do apologize for not checking in more often. It's just that since the surgery, it is enough just to keep up with following the daily instructions of the day. Today, I was seen by the doctor and everything is okay. I lost a total of 17.2 lbs in two weeks and 2 days. I have been given the okay to return to work on 03/18/04 with minimal lifting. I'm looking forward to getting my life back. I will probably post each time I am seen by the doctor, my next appointment is on 04/02/04. I haven't experienced any real illness since the surgery. I have tried introducing tuna and fish to my diet. I am able to hold it down, but I can't hold that much. My husband is really happy with the results. He says that it's time to bring out the ball and chains, because I look way to good. Of course, I can't see it yet, but many people have said that I'm coming along well. I will chat with you all on 4/2/04. Thanks for your patience. Oh yeah, I now weigh 302.3, only 2.4 lbs. to go before I am under 300lbs.
Chat with ya later...

Congrads of your loss. Your doing great for 2 weeks out. Glad to hear all went well and that your doing well with everything. I to remember (and it still is happening) that people notice the weight loss before I did. I still hear things like "I can see it in your face...etc". I usually respond by I wish I could see it in my butt!!! lol The only time I really notice it (other then when I get dressed and the clothes are loose) is when I see a photo from the past and compare it to a current one. That's when I can see it. I am almost 7 months out and down 70#'s and have another 50 to go. Take care and continued success to you.
That is a wonderful 2 week report! Congrats on the weight loss so far! You seem to be doing everything right, and it is okay not to want to eat too much! Remember our pouches can only hold a very small amount.
Remember to take it easy when going back to work. It is important in those first few weeks after surgery to just focus on what you need to do and what is important for succeeding! Just listen to your body, and if you need to rest, then do that. Remember to keep drinking your fluids while at work if possible!
Take care, and we will look forward to your next update! Best wishes,