Latina Q. Post-op
Hi Group,
Just wanted to update you on Latina. I spoke with her this morning and she is doing pretty good. They had just brought her back from having an x-ray and were starting her on her 30cc of fluids every 15 minutes. She seems to be in good spirits and wanted to make sure I posted her status on the message board. I will speak with her again tomorrow morning and will update you again then.

Thanks so much for your posting, it is nice to know that there are others who share my hope.
When did you have the surgery? I would like to speak with you if possible to discuss my disappointment in myself. I cheated already and it has only been 1 week. Is that normal? Did you cheat at all? Did you not get tired of liquids and soups? I am in need of support. If you have time, please respond to my questions or give me a call at home 414.371.2315