Traci K....Where Are You?
Oh there you are.....
I almost don't recognize you anymore! You are looking so GREAT! I LOVE THE NEW PICTURE!
Only 2 1/2 months til the Orientation (again...sigh) LOL . But after that, should be clear sailing to surgery! I sure hope you can be my Angel...I'm gonna need one!
I'm sorry I've been a little out of touch this past month(s) so much to do with the Holidays and all! Things seem to be calming down a little so maybe we can meet up for that trip to Applebees?
Can't wait to see you! I PROMISE...Im coming to the January meeting! ;)
Miss You Hon!
Your Angel,

Debby my dear angel!!!
I was so happy to hear from you! Thank you for the Christmas card! I hope your holidays were good! And you never have to apologize for being out of touch, as I know how busy we all are! Yes, we still need to get our evening out together very soon!
As for not recognizing me, you are too funny! I still look in the mirror and see the same ol' Traci that I have known for years! Yes, my clothes are a bit looser, and I am feeling so much better lately, but my mind has not yet caught up with my body yet. Thank you for the nice compliment, and I am so grateful to have you as my angel and my friend!!
That is great news about your orientation!! These 2 1/2 months will fly by and soon you will be having surgery. I want you to know that I will be there for you as your angel if you would like me to! You gave me so much support and encouragement during and after my surgery, I want to be able to do the same for you!
I miss you too, please take care and call me anytime!!