Need info., PLEASE!!!!!!!
Hi. My name is Ken Schuch and am from Marshall, WI.. I have my first consult. with Tamara Brown at Bellin Health in Green Bay on January 7. I was wondering if anyone out there has also had gastric bypass surgery at Bellin and what their experiences were? So far they have been EXTREMELY helpful and patient with all of my questions. I was also wondering if anyone can tell me approximately how long it took once the info. was sent in to their insurance co. to get a surgery date? I will have all my info. ready for Tamara to send in on the 7th as I have been working on this for about 3 months.
Thank you ...Ken Schuch a.k.a. K-man

Hi Ken,
I just had a consultation with Tamara today. It's going to take 1-2 months just to get through all the required tests. There's a mandatory meeting with a nutritionist, a meeting with a psychiatrist, booking up to a month away, and the sleep apnea test, then meet with her once more before meeting the surgeons. You won't meet them until your insurance clears you, sounded like to me. She told me it would take around two weeks for my insurance to approve the surgery. I was a little discouraged because of the long wait, but I look at it as the last of my old lifestyle, and looking forward to a new one. Hope this helps!
Shelley Rath
Hi Ken,
It depends on who you have insurance with. So who do you have, and why are you going so far away from home? Marshall is real close to Madison. They have an excellent surgeon named Dr. Garren in Madison at UW Health on Park St. They also have meetings in Madison at Meriter Hospital the 1st Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm. I am 6 months post op and down 106lbs. If there might be any questions I can answer please let me know...Deb
Hi I"m a 22 yr. old female living in Neenah, Wi. I know exactly what you are going through, about 6 mths. ago I was going through the same thing you are. I had my first consult on March 6th I was told that with medical assistance and most insurance companys it can take up to 6 mths or more for approval for surgery. As the mths went by I kept calling to see if the insurance had approved it yet. The doctors kept telling me that they sent the papers to the insurance, and the insurance kept telling me that they did not recieve it. So then finally sometime in August I tracked down my doctors private secretary, and she told me that it had not been sent. She finally sent the papers into MA. They have at least 21 days to make a decision. I did not get my approval until the end of Sept. when I was looking for surgeons I picked between Bellin and Madison University hospital. I wanted to go to Bellin because it was closer to home. However I chose Madison because they had all my records. Bellin seemed extremely suitable. I think you're in good hands! For me there was a six week waiting list for a surgery date. My surgery was on November 18th. Also you may have to have a psych evaluation for insurance. Mine was on April 9th. I hope this information helps you if you have any more questions you can email me at [email protected]
hang in there
Hi I"m a 22 yr. old female living in Neenah, Wi. I know exactly what you are going through, about 6 mths. ago I was going through the same thing you are. I had my first consult on March 6th I was told that with medical assistance and most insurance companys it can take up to 6 mths or more for approval for surgery. As the mths went by I kept calling to see if the insurance had approved it yet. The doctors kept telling me that they sent the papers to the insurance, and the insurance kept telling me that they did not recieve it. So then finally sometime in August I tracked down my doctors private secretary, and she told me that it had not been sent. She finally sent the papers into MA. They have at least 21 days to make a decision. I did not get my approval until the end of Sept. when I was looking for surgeons I picked between Bellin and Madison University hospital. I wanted to go to Bellin because it was closer to home. However I chose Madison because they had all my records. Bellin seemed extremely suitable. I think you're in good hands! For me there was a six week waiting list for a surgery date. My surgery was on November 18th. Also you may have to have a psych evaluation for insurance. Mine was on April 9th. I hope this information helps you if you have any more questions you can email me at [email protected]
hang in there
Hi Ken, I am not going through Bellin only because my insurance wouldn't approve them but if you do have all of your appointments done and Bellin wants you to use their own services then I can refer you to my surgeon as you can use whoever you want to complete the required testing and you meet the surgeon on your first appointment. He is a wonderful man and his staff is extremely nice and helpful. Please feel free to email me. [email protected]
P.S. My surgeon is also located in Green Bay.
I was the appt before you on the 7th. How funny is that. I was very impressed with Tamara. I also have all my paperwork ready to go. I have BCBS and from what I have found is that once they recieve the paper work if you call them they will process more quickly and then you can get the surgery date rolling. Things seem to move pretty quick.
Have a great one.