Big guy looking for some info.
Hey everyone. First post here and I'm hoping to get some more information on a few things and any help that you can give me on the subject would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm 28 years old and I am looking to turn my life around by having a bariatric surgery. Both of my parents have had "sleeve" surgeries done and I have witnessed first hand the increase in the quality of life in both of them. I live in Green Bay, WI and right now my biggest obstacle is finding an employer who's insurance covers Bariatric surgeries. Right now I am working as a temp and I have over 5 years of office work experience in the insurance and transportation fields. So if anyone knows of any employers that offer insurance that covers these surgeries in my area please let me know.
Here's a link to some of the best ranked employers in WI. Some may very well cover bariatric surgery and others may not. It's worth taking a look at some of them, though. /
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI