Got my date
Yep I got the call today from Dr Watsco's office and they set my surgery date for Aug 18th, I can't stop doing my happy dance. I go in next Thurs for a test looking for stomach ulcer, can't remember the name of it. Then in a couple more weeks I will have my all day testing done. I am just happy to have a date.
Woot woot! Thats exciting! The name of the test is the H pylori (ha... thats the name, but dunno if I spelled it right!) All you do for that test is blow into a bag, then drink something and blow into another bag.. THATS IT! You're all day testing is interesting. You will notice as you move from one station to another (lab, pulmonary, Dr.s office,) that you see the same people. These are people that are having their surgery the same day or around the same day as you. The afternoon consists of meeting with Dustin (the trainer) and with the bariatric coordinator and the dietician, Lori Knapp. The afternoon can get kina long, be sure to bring water!