Returned from hospital yesterday...
So late yesterday morning I got back from the hospital. Let me start by saying I have nothing negative to say about Dr. Wasco or MWB at all. They were a fantastic team and the nursing staff was fantastic. My BFF gave me a dozen gorgeous appricot roses... I handed them out to the staff as I left because they were just that awesome.
After surgery I was very out of it... and in a lot of pain and the nausea...omg.... was soooo bad.
I'm talking dry heaves, which scared the bejeebes out of me because I remember thinking "that cant' be good" They went through 4 different types of nausea meds before finding one that worked for me. One type actually gave me heart palpatations.... that was not fun either. My lower left port....where they menouvered the stapler is the only place I am having pain. I have tried holding a pillow on it, and holding up my tummy.... but there is still pain. It will just take time for that to heal. Now that I am home the nausea only kicks in when I stand up.. .the entire house swoons. This can make walking a challenge. They gave me some anti nausea meds to take home.. but I have to crush them and sprinkle them on jello to eat them. OK.. the taste of the crush meds are enough to make me gag.. so its rather defeating the purpose!
Oh..and hiccups... The whole tiime I was at the hospital.. all I did was hiccup!!! WTF? I asked Dr. and he said it was because of the placement of the Drain tube (which came out before I came home.. wooooo hoooo) But I i still get the hiccups.. just not as much as I did at the hospital.
Here is a question for the grads. Can you feel your pouch?? I mean I have no hunger, and I eat only because I am told to..... but I can't "feel" it.. I can't recognize when I am full. I have tried to look for signs.. like a runny nose or hiccup.. but don't have any of those. Anyway.. so any tips are much appreicated.
Other than that... I suppose it is time for me to take my pain meds.. I try to stay away from them as much as possible.. they make me very loopy and tired!
Thanks everyone for their support while I went through the post surgery jitters!!!

Hey lady!! I've been thinking and thinking about you! So glad you're home and all went pretty well.
I had a hell of a time with nausea too...I think I told you about it while you were will pass. As for the this time next week you should be feeling pretty good. I couldn't 'feel' my pouch per say...I felt like my pouch and my old stomach were rubbing together...which I'm sure that they weren't..but that's what it felt like.
For eating...I was on liquids and mush for weeks. I measured measured and ate what I could. I didn't have any 'hunger' till I was probably 2 months out. I ate because I knew I was supposed to.
Tips? Try not to worry about food right now. Keep drinking. I lived on sf carnation instant breakfast mixed with protein powder for a while. And sf blue bunny yogurt. Walmart is selling a decent protein powder called BodyFortress and it's like 12 bucks for a big tub of it. The Vanilla isn't bad and it mixes well.
Anywooo....sorry for the book....I'm glad your home and on your way!
Hey girl,
Yes you did tell me about your nausea. OMG... I will take pain over nausea any day. Its funny I can feel my other tummy growl and rumble. In fact.. my tummy has been rather talkative lately! Thanks for the tips on the shakes. I will start those next week. They haev me on 1 week of clear liquids.. then i start on the mush... I have no idea what protien powder to get or anything. Right now i LOVE my broth.. simply because it has a strong flavor. I'm tired of fruity **** like the jellow and sf popsicles.and plain water. On the upside.. I only have 4 more days of this type of diet. My bday is Saturday.. I may go all out and splurge on a different broth flavor and by the real expensive SF jello in some exotic flavor... nummmmmmm lol. So let me ask you prefer non flavored protien shakes so you can sprinkle it on anything? Or do you prefer a flavored shake and drink that alone?
Welcome home! Glad you had a good experience at the hospital. I never had much nausea until week 4 and then I had a solid month of it. So I hear ya! Turned out my problem was lactose intolerance.
My program "prohibits" protein shakes so I was on pureed food from the time I stepped foot in the house. I got sick of the "sweet" stuff too and ended up with that Fage greek yogurt everyone talks about and mixed spicy seasonings in it and pureed my chicken with that. Actually was pretty tasty.
As for feeling my pouch, I felt it every time I took a sip of water for the first few weeks. But I didn't get a"full" feeling when eating until at least a month.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
I used to buy the non-flavored from GNC and put it in everything. You can buy sf syrups to mix with milk and whatever protein you get. But now that I don't use as much....I buy that bodyfortress from Walmart and mix a scoop (23grms of protein) in with my morning coffee and whip it for a minute for a mocha thingy.
Glad to see you are doing good thought about you alot these last few days.
Just returned from the nut. Lost more weight have gone from 353 to 310.
Still don't know anything from the insurance ~~ have not heard from MWB either.
Lori is going to see what she can find out and email me.
Did they tell you to put ice or heat on your pain areas?
Cindy Strickland
Neenah, Wisconsin
Dr. Wasco
Midwest Bariatrics COE
Open RNY
High/Sugery/Now/Dr. Goal/My Goal
Hi Denise....Glad to hear you are doing well. Next wek at this time I should be getting home from my surgery if I pass the breath test on Monday for my H.Pylori otherwise I will not be having surgery until that bacteria is gone. i will let you know more on Monday night. Anyway...I am not looking forward to the nausea. I agree,i would take pain over nausea anyday! good luck with the clear liquids.
Age:47 Height 4'11" HW 221/SW 201.5/doc goal 135/my goal 119
made doctors goal in 8 months