Way waaaaaay OT! American Idol
Anyone watch? I think David Archaletta (sp) is good.. but he isn't Pop... you know? I like Carly Smithson, Brook, and Jason Cook. I think Jason Cook should win the whole thing personally... but he isn't my favorite. Believe it or not.. my favorites are Jason (dreadlocks) Brook and Carly.
I know this is way off topic.. but have you ever gotten tired of talking about your surgery?? LOL today was the last time I was going to see a lot of my co-workers and it was all about the surgery.. blah blah blah... I just want to focus on something else right now.
Oh for those of you wondering why TODAY is the last day I will see them for is because my office in my house so I am only required to head into the office 1ce every 2 months.
Anyway.. thats all.. just idle chit chat!!! I hope everone has a great night!