Summer plans..anyone.. anyone at all??
So summer is almost upon us...does anyone have any summer plans? Or anything they enjoy doing often like camping? Vacations?
As for myself.. We fully intend on taking the family to Great America several times.. since I will be able to fit on the roller coasters now. LOL Do you realize I haven't been on a coaster since I was 23???? ZOIKS!!!!!! HA.. I probably won't be able to tolerate them now, that would be a major bummer!!
Summer almost upon to my ears!!
As for plans...we always do Great America once. We're heading up to Canada to visit friends, camping around here....and Vegas for Skip and I the first week in September...(still summer right?)
You'll be rocking ALL the rides at GM...I'm sure of it
And can I just was AWESOME meeting you girl!
Hey chick! I really enjoyed meeting you too!! Sorry my thoughts were all random 'n sh*t. When I have a lot to say i lose focus (obviously!!!) LOL.. Thanks again for the cloths!! My daughter was digging through them before I even got them all in the house!!!
Ever think of getting a season pass to 6 flags G.A.? I would if I lived as close as you! Do you know how much those cost?
When I lived down there.. we went to two diff campsites.. urhg. I forget the name of the one... I remember heading strait out on 20... it was bout 40 min away. Then of course.. Yogi.
I can't wait to get camping this yr.. probably wont' be able to until end of june tho!! Do you have a camper? (We still tent it!)
Ever think of getting a season pass to 6 flags G.A.? I would if I lived as close as you! Do you know how much those cost?
When I lived down there.. we went to two diff campsites.. urhg. I forget the name of the one... I remember heading strait out on 20... it was bout 40 min away. Then of course.. Yogi.
I can't wait to get camping this yr.. probably wont' be able to until end of june tho!! Do you have a camper? (We still tent it!)
Hi there,
It is funny cause we are planning a Great America Trip too! And it has been a long long time since I rode a coaster too and I am hoping to when we go this time. My boys are 10 and 7 and get free tickets for a reading program from school. So we have been going the past three or so yrs. But I would look at the rides and lots of times chose not to ride for fear of not fitting or the seatbelt not fitting. This year is gonna be great cause I should be able to fit on all of them without any trouble!!! The last time I did a coaster was in my early 20's too and will be 43 when we go this time. I just wonder who I can con to ride one with me!!!
We will be making a trip to Madison to go to the zoo and we usually take the kids to Chucky Cheese with that trip. It is a once a yr trip for us.
I am not sure what else we will do this summer..but it will fly by like they all do--that is for sure.
Good topic!
Lots of plans!! I spent all last summer locked up in the house, I am bustin out this summer!!!!!!!! I am going to great America early June.....and I'll fit in the seats!! I am also going to hit every festival I can this summer....since I am moving closer to Milwaukee and there is something going on like every weekend I will be gone all the time! Planning a Trip to the dells. I am also going on a trip to San Diego for 10 days and I am so going to Disney Land, I am just so hhappy I don't have to worry about fitting on the rides!