my broken band
well let me start by saying my band is broke and for the last year I have been to 2 surgeons.Anyhow my first in colorado because I was staying by my sister. Needless to say he said he didnt know for sure what would have to be done till he gets in there.Then my sis kicks us out and we went back to az then I went to a doc and he said all he needs to do is fish the hose up and cut a little bit off and then put a new port in and I should be ok. Both of these surgeons do not understand what my port is doing. When ever I strain or reach too far bend the wrong way lift anything it like herniates and I have to put my hand over it and push in until the spasm goes away it is very painful my whole left side hurts. The tube is in my pelvis and so therefore depending on what kind of chair I sit in depends if I have discomfort. well now I had to come back to wisconsin to take care of my mom and I figured I would go to Dr Chua in milwaukee as he is the one who put the band in. Has anyone out there had this problem ?/ Dr Chua said he has had 4 or 5 other patients with this problem. and he has been reconnecting and then tieing it together also
But now I am trying to geton badger care and Dr Chuas office tells me that they have not been able to get any surgury covered by them not even a port revision so what the hell am I supposed to do walk around like this the rest of my life I am not working because I am in too much discomfort it is also reeking havoc on my back when I push on my port I get a pain right in my back also this really sucks I would sure like some input on the insurance and if anyone else has had this problem I have gone from 273 to 166 and now 208 this really stinks so I am looking foreward to hearing from anyone I realize me moving around isnt good but I am here now for awhile and does anyone know of a doctor close to me I live in Fon Du Lac and milwaukee is a drive there seems they should have one closer to me thanks sue
HI there,
You are correct, Badgercare will not cover this procedure. You can Google Bariatric Surgery Badgercare and it will detail it for you, but I have copied and pasted the information for you below. As for some place closer, there is Midwest Bariatric Center in Neenah. It might be a little closer to you. Dr. Georgen and Dr. Wasco and the surgons, and it is considered a center of excellence at Theda Clark Hospital. You may want to give them a call?? Their officed staff is great. You will probably have to look into self pay options as well. Perhaps have an office visit and get a detailed list of what will need to be done and the cost involved. I know that isn't what you were hoping to hear... but unfortunately it sounds like it may be the only option, unless you were to discuss the posibility of roux en which case I don't know what badgercare would do considering you were previously morbidly obese. That would be something to find out from the insurance company.
Services That Are Not Covered
The following procedures for bariatric surgery
are not covered:
. 43845 (Gastric restrictive procedure with
partial gastrectomy, pylorus-preserving duodenoileostomy and ileoileostomy [50 to 100 cm common channel] to limit absorption [biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch]).
. S2082 (Laparoscopy, surgical; gastric
restrictive procedure, adjustable gastric band [includes placement of subcutaneous port]).
. S2083 (Adjustment of gastric band
diameter via subcutaneous port by injection or aspiration of saline).