The "dreaded" iron infusion
Good morning everyone!
I just wanted to post this in case anyone else has to go through an iron infusion.
It was NO PROBLEM! I had myself all worried for nothing. It was no worse than any other I.V. and it turned out to be about 5 hours of forced relaxation. I actually watched a whole movie!!! (The Illusionist--not terrible.) In all, I watched one whole move, napped for about an hour and a half, watched half of another movie (Music & Lyrics) and read some in a magazine. I NEVER have time for movies!
My two daughters and granddaughter went with me and visited the zoo and Trader Joe's while I was in treatment, and I took them to dinner afterwards, so everyone had a pretty good day.
My arm is a bit bruised, but it's nothing I can't handle. In the future----and there WILL be a future---I will be able to drive myself and not bother anyone.
The reason there WILL be a future is they say that we (bypass patients) do not absorb iron, so anemia is to be watched for carefully and infusion is the best way to replace it. I will have to do this every 6 months to a year depending on how long it takes my body to deplete this store.
For the past month, I have been taking 28 mg of iron 3 times a day (recommended dose is 18 mg per DAY) along with vitamin C and my iron actually DROPPED, so I guess that proves the theory to be correct.
Just wanted to let anyone know how it went in case you may face the same some day.
Have a lovely day!
Hi there!
Actually, my doctor said that it could take a month to 6 weeks to feel the difference in the fatigue, and he was right on the money. I was worried that I was not feeling any more energetic right away but after about 5-6 weeks, I felt MUCH better.
Problem is that now, I am starting to feel tired again so I am anxiously awaiting my last iron levels to see if I can get another infusion before it gets as bad as it was before the first one. Good luck to you!