I know we go through a stall time. But I can't help think that I won't lose any more wieght, haven't in 2 weeks.
Dose any one know if you eat 900 calories a day is all these calories absorbed? If not how much is? I also having a hard time getting in my water, I try alot of defferent flavor waters, even these are getting hard to drink.
Hi Roberta-
Your stall is perfectly normal. Your body is trying to catch up. Right now, you may not be losing lbs, but you are probably losing inches.
As far as your water intake, I get most of mine on my walks. I walk a mile after each meal, although I wasn't feeling well this morning, so I am shor****er today. I do however sip continuously other than when I am going to eat or have just eaten. I watch the clock and start my sipping right at the 1/2 hour mark after.
I'm pretty sure also that we have all felt like that was it on our first stall, I know I certainly did even though the surgeon told me I would stall about 2 weeks and during that time, my body would be losing inches.
It'll move soon....just keep following the pouch rules.