Do you tell the truth about WLS???
I totally understand your position and I respect it. Like I said, You do what you need to do for yourself...try not to worry about anyone else. Even though most of the time people on these forums only get to know each other through typing...if you ever need to type...I'll type back.
I am not sure if this web site has private messaging, but the one I am a member of through La Crosse does. If it does, you can always send me a message. I haven't had the surgery yet, I am waiting for an August/September date. I already have my approval...Take care! Katy

I too have inquired at GL for surgery...but have not seen the surgeon yet...can you share your journey at GL? What exactly took place at the first visit with the surgeon? I know about the food diary and weight loss history but beyond that I need your help. I see that there is a liquid diet that some have been on this your experience also?
I am very concerned about complications...for many reasons.
Please share all the info you would be greatly appreciated.
I love Spring!!!!!!
I love Spring!!!!!!
Hey Tara!
My parents know but I've not told anyone else about surgery, not work, not friends, not my brother or sister even. I'm afraid of what they'll know the "just eat less carbs, more protein, smaller portions and exercise more" ...well yeah...I know those things and now I can do that since surgery. I had lap band though so my loss isn't as dramatically noticeable compared to I just say I'm eating better and more protein and exercising more...which are all true! I know eventually I'll have to tell people but am waiting for now.
Thanks for all the replies.
As of right now, there are only a couple people that I've told. I am just starting the journey tho. I have to have documented dr. visits for 6 months and I've only been to my 1st appt. so far.
Katy, I have lived in Merrill all my life. What is your family name? You dont have to say can email me if you'd like [email protected]
I believe that you need to do what is best for you... I tell everyone I can since it has made such a change in my life that if I can benefit just one person it is worth all the other questions and negitive comments that I may recieve. I too sometimes think that I took the easy way out. However my hairloss has not been easy, getting enough protein and water has not been easy and not getting to eat what I love is not easy either. So This is Not the Easy Way Out. I am proud that I have done what I did cuz even though I could not do the dieting rite I am doing this rite. Good Luck and God Bless you and whatever your decision may be.
I'm 3 yrs post op this coming Friday.
In the beginning - I sang praises to WLS. Not a sole who I came in contact with - didn't know that Gala had lost 150+ lbs because of WLS!!! I didn't hide a thing.
In my support group and group of friends I gained who also had WLS - there were a few who told NO ONE!! Not even their children who lived at home. "Mom just had tummy surgery". At family gatherings she would say "I'm watching what I eat, I'm not eating carbs, sugar ect ect".. IT was NOT a white lie. It was the truth. For her it was no one elses busines how she lost the weight.
Now that I am 3 yrs post op, I am not quite as vocal. I will make comments here and there. Many people know that i had WLS. Many people know the struggles I've had, the hospitalizations ect ect. However, many don't.
It is all relative. You need to do what is best for Tara. You may choose to tell those who you can trust. You may not.
Good Luck!!