Sent in my diet log

on 6/9/07 12:25 am - Merrill, WI
I sent in my 2 week diet log to the surgeon's office yesterday. I'm so nervous even just for that!!! Hopefully I'll get a call early this coming week to get an appt. set up for my consult.  I wanted to wait until our insurance switched over(was supposed to June 1st, but now it wont be till July 1st) but I'm really excited to get this process started. I keep coming to OH and reading other's stories and looking at the insurance board and I'm getting SUPER excited!!! but I havent even had a consult yet. Then I stop and think and "KNOW" that I'm going to be denied by insurance. UGH!!! It's just a whole mix of emotions.  I love coming here and reading and I'm SOOO extremely happy for everyones success, but then I get down/depressed cuz there's a chance that I'll be denied......then what?? :( Tara
on 6/10/07 3:13 am - WI
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