New to Wi Boards
Thank you so much for your reply. I am already a little scared about the whole food issue, because I also really like to eat. What foods are you not able to tolerate at this point? 33lbs?? Good for you. How much more do you want to lose? Did you have open or lap? I am having lap. Thanks for your time and info. Molly
Hi Molly~
To answer your questions... I had an open RNY, which that is what my Dr. felt more comfortable doing so he could check things and I am glad he did now, cause they (in Marshfield) take a plug of your liver and test it and I found out that I have NASH (short terminology...Fatty Liver Disease) They would have never known without taking some of my liver. I did very well though with recovery from the open RNY, some don't.
My advice for food is DON'T push too soon. Also stay away from dry stuff (like grilled meat or microwaved leftovers) It is very painful in your stomach, at least mine and then would end up coming back up. I still am having issues with 1/2 slice of white toasted bread ( I am begining to think I will never get to eat bread again!
) The other hard part is chewing everything to baby food consistancy before swallowing. I was always a fast eater (probably so I could have 2nd helping!
) So going slow is a bit hard too. But I HATE (strong word, I know!) throwing up and believe me it hurts like no other to throw up now!! But again I would say it is worth it and everybody is different and what aggrivates one's body, may be fine for your's. Just use your commen sense when it comes to eating and take things slow and you'll be fine! Good Luck and if you need anything or want to know anything more just ask! I will answer honestly.

I DO appreciate your honesty. At what point did you introduce "solid" food back to your diet? I am 10 days out and I am already kind of sad thinking I won't have the comfort from food that I have had in the past. I am worried I wont be able to eat the healthy foods as well that I enjoy. I like veggies and Salads and also chicken. Do you have to follow up with your Doctor regarding your liver?? Is that something that they will now monitor closely? I have read of people finding out about conditions they didn't know they even had because it was found during their open surgery. My doc did tell me that they will really not be able to see the organs they can when it is done open. What kind of foods do you recommend me buying for my first week at home?? Thanks for all your opinions and honesty. Molly
Hello, I have a Gastric Bypass Nutrition Guidelines book I got when I had to go through my 6 months pre-op. there are 6 Stages of food. 1. Preoperative...they will have you on clear liquids about 2 full days before your surgery. 2.Clear liquid...Broth, Sugar-free gelatin, 100% fruit juice. This stage is usually while you are in the hospital or for 2-3 days right after surgery. 3.Full Liquid...foods like cream of rice (not wheat as it is too fiberish), blended yogurt, blended lowfat cream soups, sugar free pudding and always 1% or skim milk. example of a days meal is like this..7:00-7:30am 1 oz of juice, 1 oz blended yogurt, 1 oz cooked cereal. 9:00-9:30 1 Cup water. 10-10:30am 1 Cup skim milk. 11-11:30am 1 Cup water. 12-12:30pm 1oz blended soup, 1oz pudding, 1oz juice. 1:30-2:00pm 1 Cup water.3-3:30 1 cup skim milk. 4-4:30pm 1 cup water. 5:30-6pm 1 oz blended soup, 1oz blended yogurt, 1oz cooked cereal. 8:00-8:30pm 1 cup skim milk. This is for 3-4 weeks.4.Pureed Stage...This is like baby food consistancy of food (alot of people just buy the baby food and eat it, I however still blended my stuff) Sample Menu.. breakfast- 2-3 tablespoons of low-fiber cooked cereal & 2-3 tablespoons of sugar-free low fat yogurt without fruit pieces, seeds or nuts. Lunch..2 T of pureed lean meat or poultry (NO RED MEAT for first 4Months) 2 T of mashed potatoes, 2T of pureed vegetables. Supper.. Same as lunch. Be sure to still include your water and milk like the previous menu. 5.Mechanical soft stage...Soups, Ground lean meat or poultry, flaked fish, eggs, low fat cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, fat free refried beans, potatoes(without skin), rice, pasta (I suggest to take it easy on pasta it kinda balls up and makes you feel yuky), toast (white bread), soft-cooked vegetables (avoid peas and corn) vegetable juice, Unsweetened, cooked or canned fruit without seeds or skins, bananas. This is the stage where you chew everything to a babyfood consistancy.You should allow 15-20 min. to eat 1 oz (2Tablespoons) of food. This stage is for the next couple of months. 6. General Stage...This is the final stage where you can start to reintroduce foods, but the same principals reamain for the pevious stage, chew, chew, chew! Take your time and if something doesn't agree with you, don't give up just try it again in a week or two. At this stage you should be eating 6-8 tablespoons of food at a meal. Be sure to eat your protein item first. DO NOT DRINK anything 30 minutes before your meal, during your meal or 30 minutes after your meal. (this is hard, I still want to take a drink while eating!)
I hope I have helped you some, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Just remember somedays will be really good and then there are days that food just doesn't today for me, no matter what I eat it just isn't settling with me very well popsicles (sugar-free) it is. It is important to stay hydrated, drink water or crystal light as much as possible. I know what you mean about the salad, I am craving a good ole salad!!!

Hi. Thanks for your reply. Did you ever doubt your decision to have the surgery? Are you glad that you did it? Do you do the B12 shots? Do you feel at this point you are getting proper nutrition? I JUST can't imagine eatinga Tablespoon of food and being full. How are you able to get in all your nutrients? Have you had any dumping at all? Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate your patience in answering, it is very kind of you and I also appreciate your honesty. Molly
Hi Molly-
I'm from Osceola, WI. I'm going to be having RNY, but it is a the point that they can submit to insurance, so I'm just waiting. When I went in to see the dietician (in St. Croix Falls), I asked if she knew of any support groups in this area. She didn't, but said that's not a bad idea. She may be starting one up for people in the area. I asked her to let me know if and when she did. I will post it when I find out.
I have been actually going to the MN board because I am having surgery in MN, and they have get togethers. There is one in North Branch for people that are close to there and one in Oakdale. Maybe I'll post something to see if that's something that there would be enough interest in. They get together at a restaurant for coffee or something.
Congratulations on your upcoming date of becoming a Loser.
Take care, Pam
Hey Molly-
I'm going to Dr. William Rupp at St. Paul Surgeons. He prefers to do open, so that is probably what I'll do. He likes doing that so he can look at the gallbladder and take it, so there won't be any problems with stones while losing.
I'd like to have the lap so I can return to work sooner, but I'll do what he feels is best. They do the surgeries at United Hospital. They have received 'Center of Excellence' status, so I'm very comfortable with his decisions.
Hopefully, I will get some response from my post to start a get together group in this area.
When is your surgery date?
Hi Pam- I am having my surgery on 4-23-07. Dr Kelly is doing my surgery, Dr Rupp is assisting. My sister had Dr Rupp do hers and she really liked him. She had hers done open as well. The surgery will convert to open if their is any problems. I have been to United before an received great care. Keep me updated on your progress. Molly