I am failing at this diet too!!!
(deactivated member)
on 3/11/07 2:24 pm
on 3/11/07 2:24 pm
I haven't lost weight in 12 weeks. I am only 23 weeks post op. I eat 1300 calories a day. I log my food week after week. I have never felt like I had surgery. Never had dumping and only vomited once after grilled fish!!! I have to eat vegetables to feel less hungry without eating too many calories. I try not to drink for 2 hours after a meal to keep from being hungy. Could my doctor have made a mistake? I had a RNY in October 2006.
Dear Linda:
What does your surgeon say?
1300 calories seems like a lot. My surgeon wants us to drink for only 1 hour before and after eating. The water is VERY important to keep you hydrated and full feeling.
Are you doing protein shakes? Getting enough protien, all of your vitamins and at LEAST 64 oz. of water per day? If I waited 2 hours before and after eating, I would never be able to get all 64+ ounces in.
Call your surgeon and have him check your stoma.
Good luck!

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/07 5:03 am
on 3/12/07 5:03 am
It takes everything to stop at 1300 calories. I did protein shakes at the beginning and they didn't help the hunger , but added extra calories. I always eat more protein and water than required. My drinking rule was a half hour before to 1 hour after. I read the 2 hour after idea on a website for the Medical College of WI. It does help. Yesterday a woman on a reply to a man with my problem suggested more meat. I have been eating fat free cottage cheese, cheesecake made from fat free cream cheese, eggs and Splenda, tuna, ground turkey etc. I am trying more meat today. I take my vitamins, B12 and calcium. Even in the hospital I had no problem drinking . I had to watch the clock not to drink too fast. How can he check my stoma? thanks
I too never felt full in the beginning, and now only occasionally. Although, lately, maybe because I am pushing it more, but I have actually had that nauseous feeling that they talk about.
But it sounds to me like you are still eating a lot of "soft" foods. Maybe more "real" foods might help? I am 19 weeks out, and have been eating non-pureed foods since 5-6 weeks. I eat just about anything except for sugar, and I try to stay away from white flour.
I eat steak, chicken fish, pork chops, salad, veggies, cereal, etc..... I chew really well, until it is basically pureed, then swallow. My calories are between 800 and 1000 daily. If I eat too fast, I will get that nauseous feeling, and today, at lunch, I ate too much, and after 1 swig of water, felt like crap for about an hour and a half. I still do at least 2 shakes a day also. The protein is supposed to help with hunger, but I can't really say if I have noticed a difference or not.
Anyway......try stepping up to more meat and more "bulk" and see if that does not help with the hunger. My nutritionist also suggests whole grain breads (in moderation).
You should also talk to your surgeon and nutritionist, as that is what you pay them for. The surgeon can check your stoma with a scope and tell if it is too big. If it is too big, then food will slide right through and you will not feel full. The nutritionist can look at what you have been eating and make suggestions that may help.
In the end, maybe you can talk to the psychologist about "head hunger", and ways around it.
I hope this helps in some way, because I am a SLOW loser, and I understand how bad you must feel.
Good Luck!
It sounds like you are doing well on the vitamins and water.
Hi Linda,
This is really a little thing that helps me, it may work for you or it may not, but whenever I know that I have eaten enough and I still feel hungry or I am "bored" hungry (which happens to me a lot) I chew sugarless gum. It keeps my mouth busy and it seems to make the hunger dissapear. I know it sounds weird and all, but it works for me and after all that is what we are all here for is to help one another. Good luck, I do wish you the best.

(deactivated member)
on 3/18/07 8:52 am
on 3/18/07 8:52 am
I do that sometimes too. When I cook I use gum to keep from eating uncounted food. Because I am a diabetic I watch what and when I eat like a hawk. It complicates things. If I ate only protein it could damage my kidneys. If I ate too many carbs (glucose) at one time my blood sugar would go up before dumping. Fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose) are ok in moderation. If I don't eat when I'm hungry my blood sugar falls and I am shakey and feel sick. My blood sugars are great since surgery. My vainity wants me to look better quickly. I need to count my blessings. I know it will come off but it is going to take time, Thanks and good luck to you too. Linda