My center closed, need a referal to new bariatric center
Barix clinic in Belvidere, IL, where I had my rny 14 months ago, is closing up shop and so I need a new bariatric center to continue follow up care with. I live in SW Wisconsin, and my surgeon at Barix wasn't very familiar with the centers in Wisconsin, so I need some suggestions. I have looked at a few centers online, and been to support group meetings in Platteville and the UW Madison centers, but I would appreciate your input and recomendations. Thanks.
Dear Amy:
I recommend the UW Madison team to everyone. I feel that they really care about my health, not just my pocketbook. They are also technologically advanced (no extra drain tube, leak test during surgery--not the next day, etc.....)
I live very close to Belvidere, and had checked out the Barix center when I started my journey, but felt so much for confident with the UW team.
They really are the best in the area in my humble opinion, and they may be closer for you.
Good luck and God bless,