looking for a mentor
Hello everyone. I haven't been on the website in sometime, but have still been working my way to surgery.
I am looking for a mentor, friend, or support group in my area. I f anyone knows of anything in the Oshkosh WI area please let me know. I do not have a computer at home anymore for now but will check my emails often. Thank you

Hi Amy,
I'm from Sheboygan (but a UW-O grad!) and had the VBG over 2 1/2 years ago with Dr. Chua in Miwaukee. I have had a terrific experience with him and his incredible team! If you ever want to email me or anything or have questions for me, I would be very happy to help you out in any way I can! You can read my profile and see and read where I was and where I am now. I have quite a few people that get referred to me by Dr. Chua's team, so I check my emails often as well!
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Lois Winkel
Hi Amy,
I don't know of anything in Oshkosh. I live in Green Bay. We have a support group here that meets twice a month on the first and third Thursday of every month at 5:30pm. Its on the third floor of Bellin Hospital in the boardroom -- off the cafeteria. If you can't find anything closer to you, you're welcome to join us.