first timer saying HI
My name is Shannon. I am living in Clyman which usually no one knows where the hell it is, but it is between Watertown and Juneau. We were previously living in Milwaukee. I have just started my journey to getting the surgery done. I have my first consultation on Dec 4. I am very nervous and I think my insurance has an exclusion for this. So do I even bother? I am so tired of feeling tired and huge. I want to play with my girls ages 3 and 22 months and get back to showing my dogs.
So I feel like I am babling on here but I wanted to see if there are any others near me that feel the same way. And if it is worth trying to fight for. Thank you so much.
Good luck to all of you.
Hi shannon - I'm up north - about 1.5 hours south of Superior. I'm starting my journey as well. I have my seminar/class on dec 14. I'm lucky my insurance will cover 5 different types of surgery. I've been thinking about it for awhile and now that I've decided I want to do it - I want to do it!
I'm also tired of being tired and feeling huge and people commenting on you behind your back and when you know that you are heavy -
People can be weird!
I wish you well on your journey!

Hi Shannon, my name is Lynette and right now I am from Baraboo, but we are hopefully moving to Beaver Dam or Reeseville area next spring/summer. This all depends on the completion of the Menards. My husband is originally from that area. I started my journey 6 months ago, and I will be having surgery on the 5th. I would go ahead and keep things rolling anyways because you never know, you might be the exception to the rule! Keep us posted. And welcome to the board!
Hi Shannon,
I am a newbie to the board as well. I am familiar with Clyman - is Aunt Nellie's still there? I work for Kwik Trip and I used to be the area supervisor over in Juneau, Watertown and surrounding areas - so Clyman is a blast from my past. I have been in Eau Claire for almost 9 years since living in Hartland.
I actually brought surgery up to my PCP on the 4th. I was lucky because my hospital is just starting to do surgery locally - in the past the sent you to Mayo in Rochester. So things are moving rapidly for me. I met with the surgeon on the 6th. I have tests scheduled in early January. So far my insurance is being cooperative. I lucked out and had copies of my failed attempts at Weigh****chers - so hopefully I meet the requirement of showing that I have tried to lose weight on my own and failed. To bad I don't have proof that I have been trying since the 2nd grade!
Good Luck with everything - and I hope to keep in touch with the board.