I have a date and need some info.....
Well, I have a surgery date as October 31st. I have to be at the hospital at 6 am for an 8am surgery.
What I am wondering is what I really need to bring to the hospital. I have heard a few things, but I just don't want to get there and think....well, I should have brought this or I should have left htis at home. Any ideas????

My best thing to bring was my tongs....
IF you aren't familiar with these, they are from a medical supply, and they basially look like barbeque tongs; you grip your toilet paper in it and maneuver it to wipe.
I got them from my county nurse that I see, they lovingly call them "butt tongs"..lol
But I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back which prevents me from bending over very well, so I had them already.
Good luck, I'm two weeks out and it's like having a new baby in the house!