Anyone have a revision??
Hello! I'm trying to locate someone who had revision surgery. I had a VBG 5 years ago and I have a DR's appt on Monday with a different surgeon because I have been having alot of problems with throwing up and when I eat certain foods it just sits in my stomach and its a very uncomfortable feeling!!
If you have had a revision surgery around the Milwaukee area could you tell me alittle about your experience and the surgeon who did it?

I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but I had come across this site that explains all the possible revisions/reversals of all the various types of WLS.
Oddly enough, my mother had VBG in the 80's... she's looking at a revision now for the same reasons you mention.
I just had RNY on 8/15 and am doing well with it. I believe she is considering having hers revised to RNY.
I can put you in touch with her if you want. I'm sure she'd be happy to discuss it with you.