Nothing But Good News!!!!
I spoke with my insurance company again today just to double check that my psych and nut. appointments were covered along with the consultation with dr. chua. He was very nice and said the only thing in my plan that needs pre-certification is the actual surgery. Once Dr. Chua sends my paperwork in the turn around time for approval/denial is only about 4 days. Everything is on track. Just gotta keep up with this diet until the end of Dec. Hopefully all my appointments will be done by then and Dr. Chua can submit my paperwork the first of the year. Who knows maybe my re"birthday" will be my actual birthday 1-8!!! I want to thank everyone who has posted before and after pictures. They are great motivation especially when i see younger girls my age that were my size and a year later they are 180#. Thanks to everyone also that remained positive when i got discouraged about the 6 mth diet. It's well worth it and now that it's in progress doesn't actually seem like that long of a time. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for everything.

Me too. I am currently doing th diet thing but my scale at home is a piece of crap and the scale at my pcp's office doesn't go up high enough to weight me so I don't know how to accurately document my weight. I guess i am just coming up with several different problems that could arise because I am nervous and just want it go be painless