FINALLY got a date - Excited & Terrified
Well I finally received my surgery date and it will be Sept. 12, 2006 so it's coming up rather quickly. I'm sooo excited but at the same time nervous and terrified!
I'm excited to think that shortly I'll be on a better and healthier life style... I'll be able to exercise more and fit in places that I couldnt' before. I want to cross my legs at the knee, I want to fit into clothes that aren't huge tents, I can't wait to be healthy enough to get pregnant and have a baby with my husband of five years! All these things I've been wanting to do, may just happen!!
I'm nervous about the surgery itself though too, as it will be the first time for a major surgery and the first time having a stay in the hospital. I'm nervous about the first few months after surgery with the head hunger.
Can anyone relate? or have input? Any comments?
Thanks in advance for letting me announce my news!
Congratulations Ann! I remember those feelings well! I am 27 months post op and had the VBG. I lost over 140 lbs and am so incredibly happy with my normal, healthy, active life! I didn't have any post-op problems at all, followed the rules, listened to my doctor and have had no regrets at all. In fact, in 5 days, I'm having the extra skin removed from my entire middle! I am so excited for this! It feels like the final step to being and feeling like I knew I was inside all along. September 12 will come so quickly! You will be absolutely amazed at the new you and how fast your body and your mind changes. Your self esteem will increase with every last pound! Just a suggestion to you - I did this and am so happy I did. Put on your favorite pair of pants, the ones that fit you the best. Take a picture of yourself in them. Then, every year (and probably every couple weeks the first year) on the anniversary of your surgery, put them on! You can see my profile and at the bottom, I'm wearing my jeans, except I am standing in 1 leg of them! It is the biggest ego booster ever! You can do this and are going to be fabulous! You're husband better start exercising because soon he'll have to start chasing you around the diningroom table
(I let my husband catch me more now!) Congratulations again and keep us posted!