I finally have an appointment with the Nutritionist/Psych.!!!
I have been waiting for two weeks for my PCP to get all of my med. history as well as the recommendations, etc. ready so I could schedule the appts. I am scheduled for August 17 for both the Nut. and the Phych. !! I was just wondering if anyone has any info on what to expect during those appts. Also, how long after the appts do they submit the info to the insurance? I do realize that it's different for everyone, but I was just asking for a round about time frame. I am having a hard time sleeping because I am so anxious for all of this to take place!!!!

Hi Tamara,
Congratulations on your decision! These appointments are a cakewalk.(sorry about the pun!) Deanna, the dietician is awesome. She only wants to know what kind of an eater you are. If you want to get a good jump on things, start keeping track of what you are eating already. www.fitday.com is a great website to sign up for free. You can keep track of your daily food intake and also your activities, print them out, and show them to her. The thing is, you have to be brutally honest. If it was a half a pint of ice cream, don't minimize and say it was a 1/2 cup. She'll be able to tell if you're lying, and why would you want to start this great journey living a lie? The psych appointment is just as easy. They will ask about your support system, how you were as a kid, very simple questions that don't require a lot of thought. They are only trying to get a feel for how prepared you are for this life changing surgery. Because, if you didn't hear us say it enough at the seminar - this changes EVERYTHING in your life. You'll be fine. It is very mind consuming until the day comes, but trust me...it comes quicker than you think. You've chosen the most excellent team of people and surgeon that I have ever found, and I'm not just saying that because Dr. Chua did my surgery too. The support you'll receive is priceless. Take advantage of their help. The insurance and stuff will go at their own pace, but don't be afraid to call them when it comes time for their approval. I called daily, just to bug the crap out of them. Keep in touch and good luck!