Appointment with Surgeon
on 7/12/06 4:54 pm - racine, WI
on 7/12/06 4:54 pm - racine, WI
I have an appointment scheduled with the surgeon for August 25th. What a bummer that it is 6 weeks away. Hopefully they will get a cancelation and can get me in sooner, wishful thinking right. Anyway I was wondering what to expect out of this appointment. I am seeing Dr Chua in Milwaukee.
Sandi ;-(
on 7/15/06 3:04 pm - racine, WI
on 7/15/06 3:04 pm - racine, WI
Thanks Tracy,
Well I did manage to get in a bit sooner. August 11th !!! Two weeks earlier !!! Yippee !!
I just called them to make sure they had my cel phone number to call in case they had a cancellation and asked "by the way, is there anything any earlier?" and right away she said yes !!!
I guess I can live with that. That isn't to far out !
Hi Sandi,
I had Dr Chua, he did my surgery June 12 this year....One Month six days out.
Dr Chua is one of the best ....I would recommed him! I have lost about 17 lbs so far, and 10 before surgery so a total of 26-27. He did the lap band on me plus, the hospital was over night, I had no problems with his hospital either.
Your in Good hands!!!!!
Good Luck Girl!
Linda (Milwaukee)

on 7/24/06 8:18 am - racine, WI
on 7/24/06 8:18 am - racine, WI
Thanks Tracy and Linda for your replies
I did manage to get in this Friday, July 28th. Horaay !!!
I can't wait. Now just need to keep my fingers crossed that the insurance approval goes smoothly. Anyone out there with BCBS of IL? Any problems?
Keep up the good work Linda, hopefully I'll be joining you soon.
Sandi from Racine