How long does it take?
I received a call today from my PCP's office and was told that my letter of recommendation and everything else that is needed will be ready by next week. I have been in contact with my insurance company already and found out that if my surgery is done within the remainder of the year I am covered 100%. My question is how long does it usually take from turning in the information to the hospital to getting in to see the nutritionalist and phychologist?
hi Tamara....
I'm not really sure. I went to the informational seminar for the surgeon first. I was already seeing a dietician for my supervised diet because my insurance requires it, and after I went to the seminar, I found out who the surgeon likes to use specifically, and had my psych eval done. That has already been turned into my surgeon. As soon as my 6 month supvervised diet is complete, those notes will go right to my surgeon. THEN they will submit thoese 2 things for approval for the surgery. If I get the approval, then I will meet with the surgeon one on one. Then all the other testing and stuff will begin.
(i think that's how it
I've been confused since I started this whole thing
Good Luck with it all!!!!