Center for Excellence
Can anyone tell me if there is anywhere in Wisconsin that has been awarded the Center for Excellence award?...I am going to my first meeting in a few weeks with Dr's Garren and Gould and was wondering if there is any feedback on them as compared to The group at Dean Medical, Dr's Sunby and Huepenbecker..Thanks guys...Kim
There's a list of those that have been approved so far:
Hope that helps,
I had my surgery with Dr. Huepenbecker in October of 2004 and can say nothing but good things about him. He is very honest and caring and truly genuine about his enthusiasm for this surgery and its health benefits. Let me know if you have any questions for me or would like to meet some time.
Thanks guys it does help to get feedback on the doctor's you pick. I have had surgery in the past but my good friend( had WLS last year) is a surgical tech and she was always in the room and helped me pick my doctor's so I felt safe....I have moved and now I'm on my own and it's kinda scarey not having an insider your feedback is wonderful....Thanks again...
I can 2nd what Lori has to say about Sunby and Huepenbecker. My primary surgeon was Sunby!! In my opinion that man stands next to my higher power.
He truely has been what he is all cracke dup to be. I knew of Sunby prior to deciding to have WLS due to a friend of mine who had a routine gall bladder surgery - turned bad. She spent 4 weeks in a coma, 4 weeks on a ventilator and 4 months in the hospital. Sunby did numerous surgeries on her. Sunby sat down w/her dh, her newborn son and myself - with tears in his eyes told us that she may not live threw the night. And it would be nothing short of a miracle for her to make a full recovery. To me...that is a surgeon!! Someone who can take his work to heart and be forth coming, honest and yet caring. My friend has made a near perfect recovery. He was her angel!! And I give him so much credit to have my best friend back!! She is like a sister to me. And not only that - but he gave me my life back. The team - at Dean gave me the tools to take control of my life. I've struggled. I've been PO"d to the max w/the Dean bariatric programs. But it all comes back to one thing. ME!! And holding myself accountable! When I didn't eat and was struggling - wasn't their fault!! They were right there next to me, hodling my hand and supporting me threw the steps I needed to surpase that stage in my life!!
SOOO...with that being said....I LOVE the Dean Bariatric Program!!