New to the Wisconsin Board
Hi all-
I have been lurking and trying to post to the main board and didn't realize that there was one specific to the states. How oblivious am I????
Anyway, a little about me, as I haven't been able to sit down and actually figure out the whole profile thing yet. I am 27, single and have been overweight for as long as I can remember. One of the things that I remember that hurts the most from my childhood was my grandparents visiting over the summer. They lived in Texas so came up in the summers. Starting towards the end of elementary school, I got the same comment from my grandmother every year "It looks like you have gained some weight this year again." Now that is just my grandmother's personality, I just don't think that she realized how much those comments hurt. Although, in high school, I was a little more spirited (and more disrespectful than I should have been) and my retort was "well, grandma, it looks like you have gained weight too." She has never commented on my weight again, not that I know she doesn't think it. Just like the rest of my family, my brother and sister are thin, so it's "what's wrong with you?" Anyway, enough with the woe me stories.
Currently, I have seen the surgeon, nutritionist, physical therapist for the exercise consultation and gotten positive results from the upper endoscopy. Although, they did say that my stomach was a tad red, but they don't think it will be a problem and think it is from the back pain medications that I take. Had my annual exam with my PCP today. It is so refreshing that she is completely for me having the surgery. She wanted to make sure that I knew that it was a life-changing surgery, but after our discussion was in full support. In fact, she has already written the letter.
I have another appointment with the surgeon at the end of this month. We are trying to cover the basis my insurance requires a 6 month supervised diet. I did LA Weight Loss for almost two years with limited success. Thankfully, my PCP reviewed the menu plan and diary, so we are hoping that with her letter stating such and the records showing the 3 weigh-in visits weekly that the insurance will approve. If not, well at the end of this month, I will be 1 month down with the 6 month diet. I have to laugh, if I could diet and lose weight, wouldn't you think that I would do that? I have only been trying that for about 15 years, over half of my life.
Anyway, sorry for the long post, I feel like I completely rambled now. I look forward to getting to know the Wisconsinites that are going along this journey with me or are already on the losers bench.
Have a great night!
Hi Roberta!!
Glad you found the WI board. It's amazing how people, even family members, can make a comment that is so hurtful, and it's sad that they don't even realize it.
I'm now the thinnest in my family and I now see if from the other side. I get so angry/sad when a family members makes a comment like that to another, because I know the pain that goes with it. I've maintained my weight now for a while, but in the back of my mind I terrified of hearing those words "it looks like you've gained some weight this year". It keeps me on track though!
Anyway, good luck on the beginning of your journey...
Tracy A.
"To attain excellence, you must care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical. "

Welcome Roberta! Trust me when I tell you that the frustration of being overweight, the testing, waiting and waiting and waiting, will seem like small beans after you have surgery. Life is so great, especially when you feel better physically and MENTALLY! Go to other profiles and read up on their successes (and sometimes problems). It really gave me the momentum to plug onward and get through the pre-op period. We're all here for you! Good Luck and keep us posted!
Hi Roberta,
welcome to the Wisconsin board - always nice to see new faces around here! (Takes awhile to figure out how to post your picture - lol) I am scheduled for surgery on July 25th with Dr. Siverhus at Columbia. Don't despair, you will eventually get there. My testing took from January until June but I finally got through it, thank goodness. For me - it seemed like jumping through hoops just to get to see my surgeon for the second time and everything was going wrong. all started to come together and what a relief! Good luck on your WLS journey and hang in there.
Hi Pattie-
Congrats on your surgery date. I'm sure the next month will just fly by for you! What's interesting is that my initial consultation was supposed to be with Dr. Siverhus but when I was looking at my insurance it seemed that Dr. Mays and Dr. Regan were preferred providers but not Dr. Siverhus, very strange. Sue and Dawn didn't quite understand it and thought it would be ok, but I didn't want to take any chances with having to pay the extra out of pocket so switched to Dr. Mays.
Have a great weekend!