Thinking good thoughts for you and hoping you aren't worrying too much about your upcoming surgery. It's hard not to worry about it. But if there's any advice I can give you, that would be it.
You have a great attitude and I know you will be a success! I am so excited for you - you have so many great things to look forward to!
Hang in the Linda, in 48 hours you will be on the losing side! I'm saying a prayerr for you - call if you need to talk
Yours in 152 pounds down,
Thank you so much Jen,
You made me feel so much better! I wish I could come to your meetings.
You are such a insperation! I will let you know how it goes when I get home.
My husband is a very good supportive man he even took off a week vacation from work just to help me out.
Thanks so much for the great advice!
it's so nice to see so many people work together!

It's been 2 years, but I believe I had an upper GI, some blood work, and sonogram of my liver, kidneys, and anything else in there. My PCP did some tests also, so those didn't have to be repeated. It did take a couple of hours at Sinai, but it wasn't bad at all. Everyone is different and Dr. Chua covers his bases well. That's why he's TOPS!