Surgery is set for next Tuesday, June 13th. I'm pretty nervous about the whole surgery part, as I have never had surgery, been hospitalized, had a broken bone...
I find that the more I read, and the more people I talk to, the less freaked out I am. I am grateful for local groups and forums such as this to vent and share. I feel as prepared as I can going into this unknown. I bought all the post op food and meds I will need, I have lost a few pounds, I have work covered for the entire summer just in case (my job is very physical), and I have had all my tests and took all my classes. Now I wait. Any words of wisdom?
Hi Pattie, thanks! I like Dr. Siverhus too! Hey I saw on your profile that you were in Ireland. Between my husband and I, we've been there 8 times, don't you love it? I can't wait to go back and NOT be miserable in coach seating for 8 hours!! Congrats on being smoke free, thats a tough one. I was a social smoker, so it was a bit easier for me, except when I'm at the pub where my husband tends bar. Keep it up! I think the hardest thing to give up was the Guinness, lol. I guess I'm pretty ready, work keeps me occupied most of the time and I will be working up through Monday. I know I wont sleep Monday night. Did you read that book they gave you at the class, "Exodus from Obesity"?
I read through it and it was really helpful.
Anyways, thanks for your kind words, I will keep posting, and let you know what to expect. I can say that from the time I got scheduled until now has flown by.
Hi Helena,
Best wishes for your upcoming surgery. This is going to change your life forever!!!
I'm so excited for you.
Just take care of yourself and try to relax.
Tracy A.
To attain excellence, you must care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical.