Post-Op Blues!
Hi everyone,
I am home now and 3 days post-op. Everything went exactly as planned. No complications. Thanks for all the warm wishes and e-mails. Everything has been going really well and I feel much better than I expected. The problem is that this morning I realized that I can't find my big "life after surgery" binder I took to the hospital with me. Then I find out my husband remembers taking it out of my bag, so I called the hospital and yep, they found it in a drawer! I had the surgery done at a Barix Clinic and they give you a huge binder with all of the post op exercise and eating instructions. I don't know HOW it got into the hospital drawer. But we never even checked the drawers before we left because I knew I hadn't put anything in them! The problem? The hospital is 4 housrs away!! I started bawling my head off and I just can't seem to stop. Maybe all of the emotions of surgery are finally catching up with me, but I'm so depressed! I was just about to make a grocery list from all of the recipes and now I feel doomed to just crystal light, popsicles, jello and broth! The hospital said they will "try" to ship it out this week. Does anyone know where I can find a list of "full liquid" recipes or even all of the other guidelines that are supposed to be followed the first week after surgery? I checked the Barix website but you need a username from them and customer service is only onen Monday through Friday!!!! Any help with finding this information or recipes would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure I'll feel better in a few hours, but right now it feels like losing that binder is the end of the world!!
Terri, honey...
This is just a minor hiccup, it's going to be OK. I PROMISE!!!
I am here for you for ANYTHING. E-mail me your address and I will copy the full liquid stage in my binder and send it to you tomorrow. Or I can scan it all and e-mail too!
I have nothing else to do, I don't go back to wor****il July5th.