Hello everyone,
I feel I want to start by saying Thanks. I made the decision to have WLS back in August 2005 and have been reading posts and profiles everyday since then. It has been the only thing that has comforted me whenever I got nervous. This is the first time I have ever used a message board so I'm not sure how it works, but I thought I'd just write and see what happens.
I got called about two weeks ago (finally!) and was told I was approved for surgery. Then last week I got called and my surgery date has been scheduled for May 31st. So now the nerves really kicked in. This is what I want...this is what I've been waiting for...but now that it's "official" I am sooooooo nervous!
I decided to finally write because I start my liquid diet today. I have to admit that this is making me more nervous than anything because I'm afraid I will fail at it just like every other diet. How did most of you make it through? Any tips or tricks I should know about?
I just feel that if I was able to stay on a liquid diet for two weeks, I wouldn't be looking into WLS surgery in the first place! I'm staring at my exremely short list of what I can have and I am already doubting myself. I'm doing all of the positive self-talk (you can do it, you can do it) that I can, but there is the critic in the back of my head saying, "you'll never make it."
I guess I'm just looking to hear from someone who can offer support, advice, guidance, etc. Thanks so much. Without the members of I probably wouldn't have even made it this far in the journey!
Hi Terri!!!
So glad you found OH and welcome! Congrats on your May 31st date! It will be here before you know it.
I didn't have to do the liquid diet before my WLS, but I did have to loose some weight first. It was hard, but I kept motivated knowing that soon I would be on the other side with all the other 'loosers'.
YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Hang in there, be strong, come to this site for support and you'll be just fine.
Tracy A.

Hey there! You and I are having surgery at the SAME hospital! I go in this Tuesday the 23rd with Dr. Boe. My friend had Dr. Vaughn do her surgery on March 1st and she has been doing AWESOME! You are in great hands with him, he's fantastic and VERY maticulous with his patients. Take a look at my friends profile and feel free to e-mail her. She's Lucy A. from Janesville, WI. She'd be happy to talk to you!
You're going to do just wonderful and this is THE best descision you'll ever have made! I am so excited to get to the other side and look forward to walking the journey beside you!
The liquid diet isn't so bad, you just have to keep yourself busy and away from commercials on TV, those really get to me. It's just ONE DAY AT A TIME and you CAN do this! You're best bet is WATER, WATER, WATER! Keep filled up and have it with you, in every room and car. You are able to have the protien shakes with juice or water as well, those seem to help keep my full.
Keep up the great work and know you are not alone and WILL PREVAIL!!!!
It feels so good just to hear from people. It really puts my mind at ease to hear from people going through the same thing. Congrats on your surgery. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday! I'm sure everything will go great and soon I'll be joining you on the other side! I'll make sure to get in touch with Lucy as well. Thanks for all the support!
Hi Terri. Please don't worry about the liquid diet. I was worried about it, too. I only had to do it for one week, but it really wasn't that bad. I tried to look at it as the first major step toward my weight loss, not as been there, done that. It also helps the surgeon and I certainly wanted to help him as much as possible to ensure I had a good outcome. You WILL make it through the diet. I was pretty nervous at the start of the diet but actually had a calm, resolute feeling by the weekend before surgery. I knew I was doing the right thing. I'm six months out and can't believe how wonderful I feel and the energy I have.
Best of luck to you,

Hi Kathy,
Thanks so much for sharing your situation. I'm sure I'm just stressed because today is the first day and right now I am "starving" for lack of a better word. I'm trying to fill up on water, but it's hard. I feel like if I can just make it through today, I'll be on my way. I know I need to take it one day at a time. I'm sure I can do it to, with the help and support I've already received from wonderful OH members like yourself.
Sounds like you're doing great. Good for you!!
Wow, I'm totally with you! I had my surgery last Thursday and was also forced onto a 2 week liquid diet beforehand. For me, it sucked a lot. But after the first two or three days it switched from physical hunger to mental hunger (which, in my opinion, is even worse). Anyhow, for the first 9 days I was allowed up to 300 calories in soups, so I really clung to the packaged (not canned) Lipton's Noodle Soup...a serious lifesaver. To keep me motivated I kept reminding myself that if I couldn't give food up for 2 weeks, I didn't deserve to lose the weight in the future. lol, harsh, but I needed that little kick in the tush.
Other than that, good luck!!!! I'm sure you'll do great!!!