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Don't know anything about insurance, but it would sure be worth giving them at call at 253-815-7774. As you can prob tell, I love these guys and feel so fortunate to have ended up with them!
Good luck with your issues, regardless of you who go with.
ETA: They are also a Bariatric Center for Excellence, or whatever it's called (I understand that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but to me it's nice to know they jumped through all the extra hoops to get that designation). Their website is www.centerforweightlosssurgery. com
The one thing I had to do before the insurance drama was to take a step back and remember why I was doing this in the first place...and those reasons had nothing to do with insurance.

I wish only the best for you on your journey!
~ Kasey
Hope your surgery went well and you are sitting on the loser's bench! The "Thru Thick N' Thin" support group is here to support anyone dealing with obesity related issues. Most of the group has had some type of WLS, and we talk about our challenges and joys. Please follow the link by my signature on the bottom of the page for more info.
We'd hope you'll join us on May 23rd.
Unfortuantely at this time we are not contracted with TriCare - not sure if they provide any 'out of network' benefits on their plans - so you may want to check that!
I highly suggest seeing Dr. Rob Landerholm or Dr. Peter Billing
Take a look - or just call 425.778.2220 and ask for Karen Dodge, our patient facilitator who has a revision herself!
Hang in there - I know it is hard enough making this decision the 1st time - let alone again...
[email protected]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are over age 18, have had RNY surgery, and are available this Sat, May 14 from either 9-12 or 1-4, please see the posting below and call me at 612-578-4148 if you are interested.
A research opportunity for individuals who have had Roux-en-Y bariatric surgery for weight loss.
Volunteers are needed for a study investigating the behavioral, emotional, and social support needs of the bariatric patient. The purpose of the study is to identify, from the patient’s perspective, how psychologists could better support the patient in achieving successful weight loss, weight maintenance, and improved quality of life after bariatric surgery.
You may be eligible to participate if you are at least age 18 and have Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.
Participation in the study involves participating in one 2- to 3-hour group interview with 2 investigators and 5 other individuals who have had or are considering the surgery. The interview will take place THIS SATURDAY at Argosy University in Seattle. The interview will be audiotaped.
I am looking to recruit 2 more individuals as participants and 6 individuals who would be willing to be placed on a “backup list" in case one of the currently scheduled participants withdraws from the study prior to the interview.
Backup participants could be called the day before the interview to be asked to attend.
Those who do participate in the interview will receive $10 upon arrival to the focus group interview, $5 for parking, AND will be eligible for a 1 in 6 chance to win a $50 Visa gift card. Those who agree to be placed on the “backup list" and who do not ultimately participate in the interview will be eligible for a 1 in 6 chance to win a $25 Visa gift card (to be mailed to the winner). Aside from the $10 and the drawing, there are no other benefits to you for participating in this study.
This study is being conducted at Argosy University in Seattle, WA by Lisa Cavanagh, M.A. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a doctoral degree (Psy.D.) in clinical psychology and in conjunction with the American School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University/Twin Cities, 1515 Central Parkway, Eagan, MN 55121.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact Lisa Cavanagh, M.A. at (612) 578-4148 or [email protected]
This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of the American School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University. The study’s title is “The Behavioral, Psychological, and Social Needs of the Bariatric Patient: How Can Psychology Best Provide Assessment, Treatment, and Support? (ID # 2011-04).
Surgery Date: 10/09/06 245/241/181/130

I got the call to start my pathway at maddigan my first appointment is 5/31/11!! Cant believe its actually happening!!!
Group Information meeting: 4/7/11
Called to begin pathway : 5/9/11
First Doctors Appointment: 6/1/11
Wellness Appointment: 6/17/11
Occupational Therapy: 6/22/11
PAP: 6/29/11
Nutrition: 7/8/11
Nutrition2: 7/12/11
The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place!!

I have a date set for July 19Th.
I thought I would be jumping for joy. I should be jumping for joy! But I truly feel guilty that I'm not as happy as I thought I would be....
I'm thinking its due to the fact that, I have been through so much over the last 2 years, Its seems like this whole process has sucked the wind out of my sails, and left me more thankful that its all over more then happy that its truly happening.
I am however happy that I did not give up. I went thought the courts, broke the piggy bank and got 86'ed from Kinko's for cursing out the copy machine. I just feel like this approval and surgery date can be taken away at any point and there won't be anything I can do about it (insurance drama).
I'm just hoping that when the date gets closer I'll be more excited....
So that was a short update on me. I hope everyone is well and praying for more sunshine in Spokane. WE sooooo need more sunshine....Peace

-Billie Jo