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Thank you so very much for the opportunity to assist you and your staff. You run a tight ship; a fun one I might add. Can't wait for the next one here in the Pacific Northwest. I am hoping to make it to New Orleans and Lone Island. I will just have to see if I have the funds. Next time I am hoping to stay over night on Friday, and stay on Saturday night for the fashion show, the singing and dancing. I still owe someone a dance. Ha, ha,
Your friend for life,
Steve Simon
For those involved... Do you always meet on base or do you ever meet in DuPont?
I work in DuPont, and would love a convienent meeting place... I'm not involved in the military, so I don't have a pass to get on base.
With my work schedule (Starbucks), its forever changing, so it would be nice to have multiple options, especially close to work!!!
As I'm 6+ months post-op, I found it so energizing and revitalizing!!! Totally what I needed and learned lots of great info too.
Thanks again!

I have to point out two Very Special people who we could not have done this event without: Kathy Mitchell and Steve Simon! They each pitched in, helping with microphone running, t shirt sales and anything else that was necessary to help make the event run more smoothly.
Looking forward to New Orleans next; we've sold out half of our OH room block already, so don't wait too long!
Kim Gyurina, Event Manager
Helen here!
I just had vsg July 11th.
The straw causes air in the stomach which takes up valuable space when you consider your tummy will be about the size of your middle finger!!
Where is it you live in WA?
I am in Custer, up by the Blaine border!
I am doing great and find it was not as hard as quite a few other
surgeries I have had in the past!
you can also go to the forums for the type surgery you are having to find more people to enjoy and befriend!!
Have a great evening!
I was told I can never drink from a straw again; why is this?
I would like to find some other people from my area that are going through this or have gone through it to meet and spend time with. As all my family lives in CA.
I was trying to contact LisaAnn because she has had a few surgeries with Dr. Martin and I thought she may be able to help me! :)
thanks for your help and support too. I only have Dr. Martin's # and email....I haven't ever talked to the clinic yet or any of the nurses......I guess that is an idea.....should I call Lakeisha? I do have her # but that is it!? thanks!