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Wow how very exciting!! Do you have anyone to take care of you?How many Dr visits did you have to have. My huddy is with SPEEA union. So I have to have the dietitian appts. I called Regence they were very nice. Also they have answered some questions on line. My Dr is Dr Alperovich, I would really love if you could tell me any hints or tips you did. Thank you soooo much Kerri
I haven't really been on OH , today , except to correspond with you .
I have a friend who always sees birds when loved ones pass . The day my Mom passed , when I drove up , my Hyacinth were blooming & were so fragrant . At 3:30 am . & when my uncle dove in his driveway , in packwood , the Trilliums that my Mom gave him were in full bloom . My Mom was really into gardening , so it was appropriate that these flowers were blooming . I don't remember anything weird when my Dad passed , except he was always talking to me in my dreams . He is still in a lot of my dreams & it's been almost 12 years ..
There were a lot for North Puget Sound or Eastside but none for those in Burien, Kent, Federal Way, Renton, Tukwila, Tacoma, Fife, Milton etc... so I started one.
Please join the group so we can support each other and make local connections.
Butterflies are another thing too!
I too am glad to be in contact with you. Did you see my other post on the board from today? WLS - Any Regrets or No Regrets?
Just be sure he is really clear with his primary doctor of what he is trying to doand get thier support through this. Be sure the office knows the purpose of the appoinement is for that purpose only and be sure they weigh him all along the way at each visit.
Is he hourly? I am non-union so I didn't have to do the nutritionist thing, his may be a little different even though both Boeing Trad insurance.
It was really pretty painless. Dr. Oh is the surgen I am using and his office knew exactly what to fill out for paperwork and send it in. Actually my primary doctor tried to submit it and the insurance actually called me saying it would probally be rejected and suggesting I have the bariatric surgen submit it instead becasue they are experts in that and so I did just that and got approved right away.
My dietitian told me today that she has one client that was over 400 lbs and regrets having the surgery. She has even lost her teeth. She told me the surgery may be fine for me but that I should ask others on here what they went through and if anyone has any regrets or no regrets. Also, would like to know how long it has been since you had the surgery and what type.
Thanks for you input!!!
A few years ago, there was a support group in Wenatchee/ Cashmere area. That stop awhile back. I never got to go. Now I am getting closer to have the surgery.
It would be nice to have a support group to go to.