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on 1/30/10 6:39 am
Topic: RE: Overlake Hospital
you might try calling the main switchboard or patient services at the hospital and ask them....

good luck to you!   fingers crossed for an uneventful surgery and a quick recovery!   Photobucket


To live would be an awfully big adventure -- Peter Pan

on 1/30/10 12:38 am
Topic: RE: WLS - Any Regrets or No Regrets
Hi Debbie,
Great question! I had RNY on 12/30/08 and I've lost 149lbs... from a size 24 to as small as a size 4! I have no regrets and would do it over again in a heartbeat. This isn't failproof... if I don't eat right, exercise, or take my vitamins... I feel the consequences right away! Some days I don't want to take a handful of vits all spaced out, but I'll take them for the rest of my life because I want my teeth  bones, and overall health. I remember the months before surgery people kept running to me with these horror stories of "this person lost all their teeth, this person went bald, this person died" and I didn't let it stop me from this lifesaving surgery. Wearing a size 4, feeling confident in a bikini, there are so many reasons I'm proud of my decision. Best of luck to you!
Make a pregnancy ticker  
  Hit goal 10/31/09!  RNY!!!

Colleen M.
on 1/29/10 5:28 pm - Port Angeles, WA
Topic: RE: Got my surgery Date!! FINALLY!!
Thanks!!  Dr. Otway Louie ar University of WA in Seattle is doing my surgery. I am kinda surprised that my insurance is covering it really but because  the over hang is causing such serious pain they said yes. Thank gawd!
keep on Smiling!
on 1/29/10 2:55 pm - Olympia, WA
Topic: Overlake Hospital
I'm having my surgery on Monday at Overlake in Bellevue.  Does anyone know if there is internet access in the rooms?
on 1/29/10 11:16 am - Bremerton, WA
Topic: RE: Got my surgery Date!! FINALLY!!
Congrats!!!  Who is doing your surgery?  I am just starting the process of looking into plastics...  hope to have some of it covered my insurance... but since I don't have any rashes... but I do have overhang....


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 1/29/10 9:58 am - Colville, WA
Topic: New WLS support group in Stevens County - Washington

For those of you in the Stevens County area of Washington State, there's finally a Weight Loss Surgery support group just for you.  No more travelling clear to Spokane to get the support and comraderie from others who are on the WLS journey!

The WLS Support Group meets at 6 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Health Education Center in Colville (across the street from Providence Mount Carmel Hospital), at 1169 E. Columbia Avenue. 

This group is open to all interested parties: those who are curious or have questions, those who are already on a WLS journey and are awaiting their surgery date, those who have already undergone WLS, and family members, partners, and friends who want some answers or wish to lend support.

We're also starting up a clothing exchange to help minimize the financial impact of WLS.

For more information and to RSVP to our first meeting on February 10th, check out the WLS Support Group page on Obesity Help: 

I hope you'll join us!

-Veronica Randall
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.  ~Dr. Suess

Colleen M.
on 1/29/10 7:06 am - Port Angeles, WA
Topic: Got my surgery Date!! FINALLY!!
I finally got my approval from my insurance comp and My surgery is Feb 25th. I will have my extra skin removed (finally) not sure if you all remember but I had the gastric bypass a little over 2 yrs ago and have lost over 500 lbs and now its time to get rid of the extra skin and get a flat tummy and a new belly button.. My girlfriend is gonna take the girls(my pekingese) to her home while I am in the hospital in Seattle...
keep on Smiling!
Kris Greene
on 1/29/10 3:59 am - Victoria, Canada
Topic: Canadian Convention ? Bariatric Surgery
An amazing event is poised to take place March 27-28th in Victoria BC Canada. This 2 day conference has been in the making for more than 3 years. The brain child of the non-profit BCABA (British Columbia Advocacy Bariatric Association) this 1st conference on Weight Loss Surgery is shaping up to be an extraordinary culmination of information on all the aspects of obesity and weight loss surgery alternatives.

Obesity is now the biggest health risk factor for most Canadians. With more than 55% of us classified as over weight and 1 in 5 of us actually obese, no one can ignore this terrible health challenge any longer.

Whether you’re a health professional, politician, suffering with obesity or interested in the future of health for your family and fellow Canadians, you  can’t afford to miss this opportunity. In our interview with BCABA President, Kris Greene, WLS Support was astounded to discover the depth, experience and knowledge of the health professionals and Weight Loss Surgery subject matter experts who will be presenting at the conference.

A close examination of the agenda for the conference revealed that BCABA has acquired some of the leading experts from the obesity treatment and weight loss surgery community as featured presenters for the conference.

Barbara Thompson, co-author of “Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies" will be opening the conference with a talk on the necessity of weight loss surgery. Is it cosmetic or a crucial life saving procedures? There is a whole segment of society that believes curing morbid-obesity is a matter of will power or lack of it. Thompson is expected to explode this and other obesity related myths in her talk.

Dr Brad Amson, one of the most esteemed and renown bariatric surgeons in Western Canada will speak on “The State of the Union" of bariatric surgery in British Columbia. It’s expected that Dr Amson will answer the questions on what the stand is of the British Columbia Government and Regional Healthy Authorities on bariatric surgery. Are we making head way or losing ground? What next steps can we make to gain support?

Dr. Tony Webster, physiologist and Jan Klisz, nutritionist will speak on Healthy Living (meeting our exercise and nutritional needs) before and after surgery. It’s expected that conference participants will learn which food groups should be eaten first, which should be minimized and the importance of regular exercise in all phases of the weight loss journey.

On day two, featured keynote speaker, physician and author of “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts"  and “When the Body Says No“, Dr. Gabor Mate will speak on addiction. What is amiss with our lives that we seek such self-destructive ways as food to comfort ourselves? And why is it so difficult to stop these habits, even as they threaten our health, jeopardize our relationships and corrode our lives?

In addition to his keynote address, Dr. Mate will be conducting a two-hour workshop. Kris Greene, BCABA President said; “This session alone will be worth the conference admission fee!"

Dr Mate will help attendees answer questions on:

   * What is the source of addictions?
   * What happens chemically and physiologically in the brains of people with  behaviour addiction?
   * The false “blessings" of addiction as experienced by the addict (e.g., as emotional anaesthetic, as personality booster, as social lubricant, and so on;)
   * The development of the addicted mind: how early childhood experiences shape the brain;
   * How much choice does the addict really have, and how much responsibility?
   * Developing a therapeutic relationship in which healing is possible
   * How to encourage the addict to take responsibility;
   * The prevention of addiction, both in adolescence and before;

Understanding, education and creating a proactive environment is at the heart of the BCABA mandate. This conference completely full fills their mandate. You can expect the conference to be about people, the future and the treatment of obesity, an affliction with a stunning growth rate in Canada. It is a 1st in what WLS Support hopes will be an annual event. Raising awareness of obesity and treatment options is crucial for our society in Canada. Hats off to BCABA for stepping up to the plate.

People attending “Bariatrics and Beyond: The WLS Journey" conference are in for a real treat!
For more information or to register, goto the BCABA website,
on 1/29/10 3:56 am - Honolulu, HI
Topic: RE: WLS - Any Regrets or No Regrets
  Hi Debbie!  I had a VBG in March 2003.  I ended up eating around the surgery and then started having mechanical issues with my pouch.  I had a revision to a gastric bypass and they gave me a new pouch (cut the old one out completely-plus removed the remaining stomach) in April 2009 and I have lost officially 125 lbs.  I am now a lower weight than I was after my first initial loss with the VBG (156 ish lbs).  I have never regretted either surgery because they made me who I am today.  Just have to make sure your mind is ready for the changes your body will be going thru and the dedication to the vitamins and protein necessary for healing.  The first few weeks after surgery suck.  But it's worth every second in my opinion.  

As far as teeth goes...I have to have a tooth pulled on Wed.  I always have dry mouth.  I drink a lot of water but I'm always dry.  Well, I found out from my oral surgeon that dry mouth increases the rate of decay in our mouth so we need to be extra careful and make sure we are brushing, flossing, using a fluoride rinse and also using a mouthwash that is for dry mouth...I don't recall the name off the top of my head.  I use it several times a day.  So this tooth that has to be pulled it because of decay and it's my fault for not brushing enough AND not knowing about the dry mouth thing. 

Make sure you are doing the surgery for you and not for your friends/family or society.  
3/23/2003 Open VBG
4/6/2009 Open RNY Revision
6/08/2011  - I've lost 155 lbs! size 8-10

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 1/29/10 3:04 am
Topic: RE: WLS - Any Regrets or No Regrets
I had a DS 2 years ago, and have lost over 150 lbs. I'm at my surgeons goal weight (normal BMI) and I have some excess skin that I will likely have plastics for, which will put me at MY goal weight .

I've been able to resume any activities that I had been missing out on, and even added new ones like skiing and learning to surf.

All co-morbidities are resolved, and I no longer take any medications for them, only vitamins. My own doctor is envious of my labs, especially my cholesterol and BP readings. I have no regrets, and would have the DS annually if I had to.
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