At WITS end
Hi my name is Michelle, first of all i want to say that i am so happy and proud of al you guys who have been able to make it and do so well and that have gotten past the Medical system. As i have read through many of your messages and profiles i found myself crying, why? you may ask, well i can tell you i am beyond frustrated, angry, deep in depression, and most of all fed up with the system here in WA. i have jumped through hoops for over a year now and they just passed some new laws so i am now apparently not needing the surgery because i don't need joint replacement surgery or i dont have Diabetes.
What i do have in Sleep Apnea, Hypothyroid, hypertention, Morbid Obesity, Anxiety, Athritis, Major joint pain (grinding of the joints), GERD, and high cholesteral. Amongst mant other things. But somehow i am perfectly fine to go on with life as i know it. Daily agony, my children cry for me when i am in so much pain that i can not walk or even stand.
I am at my ropes end. Like they say everyone has there limits, where do they expect mine to end or am i invinceable and SuperWoman all in one. I'm not saying i want to die although some days the pain is unbearable, i just want ONE day in my life to be not so miserable maybe even pain free... Anyway thank you and god bless all of you. Thank you for listening
Oh Michelle... I just want to give you a big ole HUG! What kind of insurance do you have? Is there any chance of changing it? Or are you in a position to borrow the money? There are lots of people who self pay. And people who go out of the country for surgery, my uncle went to Spain. I hope you can find some answers here. I post a daily exercise post here but I am here for more than that. I am here for support as well. I wish you the best and am here if you have ANY questions!
Michelle, Your post touched me about as deeply as one can. About 2 years ago I was where you are. I am 5'3" I weighed 377 lbs and was dying from many health problems. I could not or would not lose weight. It doesn't matter which I just could no longer take off the pounds. And I didn't stay there; I continued to get heavier. I had had both knees replaced, high bp, high chol, high blood sugar(tho not considered diabetic), stress incontinence, acid reflux, restless legs, numbness in legs, sleep apnea. . . .and my insurance that we paid over $700.00 per month for (Uniform Medical Plan) refused to cover WLS "even if medically necessary." I thought if I tried hard enough and provided my health problems that they would be a caring company. Wrong. I went through everything for over a year hitting brick wall after brick wall. My 94 yr old mom stepped up and loaned me the money. I was 56 when I had surgery. I have lost 174 lbs so far and I have my life back. The only prescription med I now take is a small dose of thyroid medication. I'm participating in Bloomsday in Spokane on Sunday! (Hope I can get out of bed on Monday but I WILL cross that finish line!) I look at my life and body now like I bought a new car. The payment is $200.00 per month to my wonderful mom. I feel like she gave birth to me twice; once 57 years ago and again on 2/16/05 when I had LAP RNY. I am out there living life. Regrets? Perhaps that I couldn't have had this several years ago, but no sense dwelling there. I'm going to make the most of the years to come. Knowing what I do now, I'd do anything. I'd take out a second mortgage on my house, I'd get a credit card. . . . I know that sounds drastic but so is saving your life. I don't know your age. It sounds like you have plenty of co morbidities. Have you consulted an attorney? Maybe one that specialize in Social Security Disability. Don't give up. It is so worth it. Hang in there; keep jumping through those hoops until there are none left and then rack your brain for another option. I have no regrets in taking this action. I have my life back. Karen PS that list of co morbidities? Gone.
Thank you for your responces they have meant so much to me.. i am still forging forward and trying to get this accoplished. I finally have sent of my 5th request with medical records to try and get approved.. fingers are crossed maybe 5th times the Charm...hehehe.. well i just wanted to maKE SURE I TOLD EVERYONE HOW GREAT YOU ARE... you are truelly wonderful people...thanks Michelle in Malaga,WA