April 24th Exercise Post
Hey all you wonderful peoples!! How was your weekend? Mine was busy as usual. And I didn't even have time for a walk, unless you count Costco shopping on a Saturday....
ThAT in itself is a workout let me tell ya!
Today just happens to be my 8 month anniversary! I am 8 months postop today! I have lost 96lbs and feel GREAT!
I am down from at 24 to a 12.
I still look at my jeans when doing laundry and think, there is NO WAY those fit me! But sure enough they do!
I didn't get my walk in today. I had errands to run and only 25 minutes to do it. So... tomorrow I WILL WALK 3 MILES!
What are you doing to move your butts today?????
Take care all you lovely people!
Hey Lori, Way to go!!! 96lbs so close to the century mark!!! You can do it!
The weather has been so nice for walking! I managed to get 11 miles in on the weekend! 2.5 today. I am thinking I want to switch my walking time to the evening, but I am afraid to change my routine too much!
Have a great week all you exercisers!!!
I finally have some exercise worth posting. I was able to walk for 20 min. then played volley ball with my 3 daughters for 15 min. then walked another 10min. then I climbed up a castle and slid down the slide twice and then walked for 10 min. and then we played kick ball for about 15 min. Which I will proudly add I ran the bases corrrectly (unlike my 9 year old who ran like a dog chasing their tail and claiming she got a home run). A really great evening with my girls. I have forgotten how much I miss playing with them. I am hoping to skate green lake with them tonight. Pray for good weather. Suzy C.