April 11th exercise post
Hey everyone! Can you believe it's almost the middle of April already? Wow how time flies!
How are you all doing today? Getting your butts up and moving? I am not moving all that well today. Not feeling well again, but for different reasons. Female stuff. The worst since surgery.
Nuff said...
I sure hope I feel better tomorrow... I NEED TO WALK! I am feeling like I am neglecting myself by not walking today. But I just can't. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully a better one.
Hope you all are getting some exercising in today and everyday.... for the rest of our lives!
Hi Lori,
Sorry to hear you're not feeling 100%. There's been some sort of viral thing going around work and I'm just waiting for my turn. Thankfully, my job requires a LOT of walking (not fast paced, though), but I still need to do toning exercises. By the time I get home, I'm out of the mood, too tired, or "find" other things that need to done. Currently I'm having a major brain debate on whether or not I should join Curves or another gym. Once I start going, I know I'll love it. The first step is always the hardest, in my opinion.
I do have one of those Tony Little's Gazelle machines, so I try to use that for 20-30 mins atleast 3 times per week.....surprisingly, it is a great work out.
Get to feeling better and we all need to "learn" to be a bit more selfish by making sure we take care of ourselves....yeah yeah yeah...much easier said than done.
I walked this morning- -my usual 2.5. A little brisker than yesterday, still not up to speed, but that is ok. I am debating on resting tomorrow. Usually by mid-week I need to rest. I am swamped with the end of the grading period coming up, and the need to spend late night hours grading. This time I won't be having the bowl of popcorn or tortilla chips and salsa to get me through it!
Take care of yourself Lori! I heard that weight loss releases female hormones (increases "risk" of pregnancy) so it probably will increase everything else too.
I visited a nutritionist a few weeks ago who said that the reason we crave chocolate is that it is high in MAGNESIUM and our bodies need that at that time of the month. I am actually going to try that out this month and see if it keeps me from craving chocolate!