Daily Exercise Post March 13
Hey all you losers! Sorry I wasn't around the last few days to post this but I was busy spring cleaning my house! I got rid of 4 lawn and leaf bags full of clothes! Whew! My entire house is clean. Every room got ransacked and rearranged. I burned LOTS of calories! And it shows in my weightloss! I weighed in at 195 on Sat AM. Whoo Hoo!
Today I will do my 2 mile walk at lunchtime. It's a beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. A Great day for exercising!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
55 lbs to goal!!!

Okay, so I haven't done much today. We did ski ALL weekend though, does that count? I know it counts. I will probably go one a slow walk pretty soon as soon as the kids get restless, it really is a beautiful day here too! Great job on the spring cleaning, I often dread that, but we did do our main living areas last weekend. Still have the bedrooms to go. Someday hopefully soon.
HI! Well, I get to this board late as you can tell. I am about to collapse into bed. I'm tired!!! I did 4+ miles on Saturday, 3 on Sunday, and today I was at about 2 1/2. I get up and walk between 4:15 and 5:15. I will be glad when it starts to get light even earlier. I can't use my favorite 3 mile route in the dark.
I am hoping for good weather all week, but have dusted off the treadmill if that doesn't happen.
Good night all. and by the way CONGRATS on your progress Lori! I can't wait!