Daily Exercise March 9
Well here I am posting our daily exercise message! I did NOT get my walk in yesterday. It was like a darn hurricane outside! And today I am home on vacation the rest of the week and it's SNOWING! Give me a break! I thought it was almost spring????
So, my exercise for today will be cleaning house and going through my clothes. I have NOT gone through them yet. I am sure I have a ton to get rid of!
What are your exercise plans for the day? Whatever it is, GREAT JOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! Keep up the good work!

I try to get up at 4:15 and wal****il 5:00. I think it is about 1.75miles could be 2. And this morning was the first morning this week where I was not too sick, or the weather wasn't too nasty to walk. It felt great! My body loves me when I exercise and I am so much nicer!!!
Counting down to DOB 3 April 2006
246/246 preband/140