I have the "Jumping through the DSHS hoops blues"
Hey everyone,
im on the second fase of my grooling dshs game. I started out at 530 lb's and in early nov i weighed in at 513 lb's. I got a dietition at harrison hospital in bremerton washington. She put me on a fat sugar and salt free diet WHAT NO CHACOLATE HOW RUDE! lol ayway ive joined a gym and now have the full suport of my family and my entire doctors office they bought a scale that could weigh me in to keep track of my weigh for 6th months and my doctor himself paid for 3 months at my gym. I had to loose 5% of my total weight and keep it off for 6 months. Well after changing my diet lowering portions sizes and going to the gym every day since nov 22 ive lost 50 pounds. Right now i dont know why but im feeling like im in a void and im still unsure if im going to get the surgry tho im trying very hard. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem of depression when everything seems to be going well but is a little overwhelming. and if so what doid you do to deal with it.? i just wish i could get the surgery and then jump thru the hoops of dshs.
Pat -
Just wanted to say congratulations on the 50 pound loss.
I'm sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed and blue. It can be so hard to go from one emotion to the next, not knowing what, if anything, is going to go your way. It is hard to diet in a perfect world (is there such a thing?!) let alone NEED to do it to qualify for some stupid insurance approval. If it was that easy, why would you need the surgery. Whoever makes those rules, really doesn't think about acutal people doing this.
All I can suggest is to stay connected to this board. Read all the profiles you can, glean encouragement from them and DON'T GIVE UP!! If keeping of 5% of total for 6 months is really what it takes - DO IT!! I know you can. Keep the prize in sight. It sounds like you have a great support team and lean on them with all you've got! Ask them to please help you whenever you are feeling low. Just having someone give you a pep talk can work wonders. Cry, scream, jump for joy, anything to release the emotions that build up. ANYTHING but going back to food and old habits. These six months will pass and soon you'll be getting approval. You are already on the LOOSING SIDE!!!!! How great is that?!
Good luck and keep us posted
Linda -206
Is great that you have lost the 50lbs...look at it as the first 50 with many 50's to go..
Now about the drepression...I'm dealing with a sever boout of that right now myself...I had my surgery 2-17-2005 and I'm down 135 lbs..I'm now lighter than I have been in a very long time..you are just starting the see that your life is going to change and everyone gets excited about change.. I just take one day at a time..I know it seems as if you'll never get the surgery done..it took me 10 years to get mine done there were times I just gave up but I would go back and keep trying...just remember even if you take three step forward and then one back you are still moving forward..
Keep up the good work at the gym, it will come in handy once you have your surgery...your lucky I wasn't able to do much of anything until recently as for working out.
I hope and pray that you become he person that you have always wanted to be..