Insurance Coverage??
Hi: I am new to the forum. I have a consulation with Dr. Lauter on Thursday (1/12). I am excited about it, as I know it is a step in the right direction and a huge decision on my part. However, I am nervous about insurance coverage, as I don't have the $ to pay for surgery otherwise. Has anyone been appoved for WLS who has Premera (Heritage Plus 1) as an insurance plan? I called them today, and even though there is an exclusion clause, it may be possible that they will allow the surgery through a Benefit & Care Analysis at the Dr's request. So, I was wondering if anyone has had luck with them in the past?
I just find that it is sad that insurance companies don't cover WLS...don't they see that it will save them $$ in the long run, by lowering the need for medical coverage for diabetes, HBP, etc. if they allow people to get the surgery?...Just my 2 cents. - Denise