Popping in
I thought I better pop in and say hi since I had an extra minute.
Over all, everything is going well. My stitches are still coming out in places. But, for the most part, they are out. My belly scar is so low that when I wear low rise panties, the scar is still ocvered up. My belly button is coming along nicely. It is still red and not real round. But, it is becoming an innie. My breasts continue to be the most trouble. I have finally gotten used to my new size and stopped running into things with them. I think the scars are minimal. They haven't completely dropped into place. I would say that they are more senisitive than before. Yipee.
The only problem I have had is hot spots. I have been changing my bras around to try relieve the hot spot.
We bought a house. Everything with the purchase has gone amazingly smooth. Our close date is the end of the month. But, with everything going so smooth and our need to move quickly, we are trying to close early.
All is good around here even though it is busy.