Eleven Days to Surgery:
Hi Everyone:
I am so confused, I don't know if I posted to this messageboard or not. I want to let Arlene know, I received her generous message, and will be very happy to have her as an angel Thanks also for the list.
My next appointment with Dr Weber is next Tuesday. Today, we left the office with a hug and three chapters of his new book which will be published in January. Read it all the way home in the rain. This was a really fall day for Washington. So glad my husband drove, but since we both have colds I know he didn' feel any more like driving than I did. Really need to finish with this, cause, I must get some rest. Chicken soup doesn't work for a cold without rest.
So, good night all. Hope to write more tomorrow. Please continue to pray, encourage, and support. It was so good to read about Nancy's one year anniversary!
Love Santina