Your best friend
I have been thinking about your best friend. Just who exactly is your best friend? Isn't it the person whom you talk to almost daily on the phone or the one you visit most often? I don't really have anyone I can call my best friend. I have missed that for so many years now. I use to have my best friend live in the same building as me. It hasn't been that way since we left Okinawa in 1993. I haven't really had a best friend since then. But, I was thinking, I spend all my spare time checking this website. I spend everyday here. Sometimes many times a day. So all of you have become my best friends. I really want to thank you for all the support that all of you, my best friends have shown me since I joined this group. Your the best. And thank you for being there.

I know exactly what you are saying Arlene. I used to always have a best friend growing up. Now that I am an adult, I don't have one. I had a very very close friend *****cently moved to Utah. She is the closest thing to a best friend I have had. But I wasn't HER best friend. You know how that story goes I'm sure. Anyway, I too feel like the people on this board are more like best friends. You all listen to me whine, cry, laugh, gripe, b*tch and moan. Isn't that what best friends are for??
So I have to agree with ya. We are all in this together and need each other in more ways than we know. Thanks for this great post Arlene. You are the best!

I know what you mean. Philip really is my best friend. But, it isn't the same as having a best female friend. My longest lasting and closest relationships are those that I have made online. As you know, keeping friends and living a military life is a balancing act. The best thing about internet friends is that when you move, they move with you. There are some people that I have known for 9 years now.
I am so glad that we can all come here. I would say that my closest friends that I have known in real life are those people that I met here. Sometimes I wish we all were a little more person instead of just talking about surgery. Having had off the board conversations with some of you has been wonderful.
I am really glad you joined the boards. It wouldn't be the same without you.