Where I am in the beginning of my journey
Hello everyone. Just wanted to let you all know I have finally almost completed all the required things I need to do to get approval for my surgery. I am not in any hurry but I would like to do this at the end of the year. Begin the new year as a new me.
Had my nutrition eval and its great, had my EKG and it's great, had my psych eval yesterday and it's all well too. Altho my silly son and my bonus son said they needed to speak to the doc about that one. Goofs! Next Thursday I get my nuclear stress done and hopefully that will be okay as well.
Then it's off to the insurance for approval. Wish me luck! Hope all of you are well.

Thanks Amy and yes I am excited!! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am anxious to get this "tool" finished so I can get down to where I should be and then it will make my life easier and I will be able to maintain what I will have. Did that make sense? I kind of felt I was "cheating" by having the surgery. A couple of friends said "can't you just do it yourself"?
When I had my psych eval yestrday I told her what they said and she told me this isn't an easy way, it's just a tool. God bless her!
Let me know how things go Amy.