3 weeks post op today!
It is 3 weeks today that I was wheeled into surgery. As a matter of fact, I went in at 7:30 and came out at 12:30. So I was still in at this time. Things are going ok. I have had several incidences of vomitting lately. I think I am just eating too much, if you can call 3 bites too much. Everything with any substance to it comes back up. Even stuff I have already eaten postop. But then there are days that I can eat fairly normally. Like today, I had a cheese stick for breakfast and a meat/cream cheese roll up for lunch. It's staying down fine. Water continues to be a problem. I can never seem to get more than 32 oz a day. The good news is that in 21 days, I have lost 26 lbs! I can really see it in my face. My skin seems really dry lately. Wrinkles are more pronounced! Yikes! I am sure that is because of the water consumption. I am having another issue...my period was supposed to start a few days ago. I had the cramps, the bloating, the b*tchiness, but no period. Anyone else have this problem? I have heard of the other extreme, severe periods, but missing ones? I KNOW I am NOT pregnant. My hubby is fixed! Anyhoo...hope this finds you all happy and healthy.
Take care family,

I'm actually reading the message board today, a rarity. Congratulations on your weight loss so far
and sorry to hear about the vomiting. Isn't it exciting to be on the losing side even though it's not totally smooth sailing? Welcome and I can't wait to see how much more prettier you become.
Love Diana

Hey thanks Diana! What a compliment! You do ROCK ya know right???
Look at you! You look awesome! I am one of your avid readers and enjoy keeping up with you. I envy you and your hiking. Someday I will be able to do that with no pain. Keep it up!!
Very excited to be on the losing side!
Take care,

i wondered how you were doing!! My surgery got moved up and now I am 1 week post op....how exciting for you to have lost the weight. I have lost 24lbs in the last 2 wks...when i got off the scale today all i could say was "Gone Forever" I have been drinking mass water and my skin is dry also. Surgery can make your body do alot of things. I wouldn't worry about your period to much....call your doc's office and see what they say. the nurse should be able to help you....

I can understand about the drink of water.Myself I carry a water bottle everywhere I go even if I'm just going to the next room..You need to keep the water going into your body it help to flush out your body ,it keeps your kidney fuction up, and it does help with the dry skin..dry skin is something my three firends have had problems with and one is 5 yrs post op and the other two are just a few yrs post op and they all say water and body lotion is a way of life now on being we don't eat all the fat food we used to eat...I'm glad your losing now isn't life looking up..